Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This past Saturday was an Annual Volkswagen Cruise in a nearby town. My dad and I drove in it last year with my bug and camper, accompanied by Cory, my nephew and my dad's dog. This year, since my camper is out of commission (needs a new carburetor), I took my two nephews in my bug and my dad took my niece in another guys bug (my dad just repainted it, etc for the guy). The kids were excited!

Here are the kids in front of my bug...

We walked around a bit checking out other people's cars...

And when it got too hot, we sought shade in our cars to wait until the Cruise started...

A funny little story...
As my dad was talking VW with other enthusiasts, the kids and I decided it was too hot out in the sun and headed for the cars. Well, since my car was full with the 2 boys, myself and a passenger seat with my purse and other misc. items, I told my niece to just go ahead and sit in the passenger seat of the red bug until my dad came around. That way she could catch some of the breeze through the open window while we waited. Well, as time went by, people walked around and some would come over to check out our cars...
A guy came by the red bug and asked Madelyn "what year it was"...
Her 8 yr old response, "2010."
Apparently he wanted to know the year of the car... but she didn't understand and thought he was asking what year it was right now.

We got a good laugh when she told us that story!!

We took a different route than last year... which I was a little disappointed about. But it was a nice drive! We didn't follow the whole route since it was LONG, but we went about half way and then turned off when we got back into my hometown. All of the other bugs (except the one that broke down!) were headed another 30 miles out of town for a picnic.

If you liked to see some more pics, my sister posted a few that she took over on her blog!


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