Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mission Accomplished: Canning

I remember, in the summers growing up, how my mom would
can green beans or other things on our old stove...
and that unmistakable, annoying
of the canner.

As a kid, it was SO annoying and loud!
And it seemed to take FOREVER to be done!
I remember being so annoyed that it would interrupt the whole household.
(At least it seemed that way in my young mind).

Well, as I've gotten older...
and especially now that I'm married...
I've had this desire to can my own foods as well.

I don't have a garden.
As much as I would love to, I just do not have
a green thumb or the patience.
Perhaps I will start next year with just a few small things so that I don't get overwhelmed!

Instead of canning veggies, my mom suggested canning some
soup. She offered to let me borrow her canner and
come over to show me what to do!

Sounded good to me!

(I was always afraid to go out and buy a canner
without knowing what I was doing.
What if I hated it? That'd be a total waste of money!)

Luckily, my mom came over this past weekend
to give me a little instructional.

And... I don't hate it.

I even did the last batch on my own!

The soup: Ham & Bean

I know it kind of looks gross... but trust me, it is DE-LISH!!

It is going to make some great Christmas gifts!!

If anyone wants my recipe for Ham & Bean Soup, shoot me a comment or email.


  1. Yay! Are you going to keep some? They'll come in handy once you have your little bundle and need a quick yummy meal.

    This year was my first year canning too! I drove out to an orchard in Bedford and bought a few bushels of apples and made gobs and gobds of canned applesauce. I'm definatly a canning lover now too :)

    And PS: I got your Christmas card in the mail today, thank you so much!!

  2. That looks yummy! I'm not a canner, I just don't have the patience or the physical strength to stand that long, but if I were, I would try that soup;)

  3. i think that looks delicious! this year i really got a hankering to can but just couldn't see spending all the money at the time...but i soo want to next year!!
    also thanks for the Christmas card!!! it was so lovely!

  4. Hey Devon!! It's Anna Frenette! I've been locked out of logging into my blog...I can't figure it out!! Anyways, you look BEAUTIFUL and I can't wait to see photos of the little one! Also, can you re-send me your mailing address?? (anna.frenette@gmail.com) I might just have a little baby prezzie up my sleeve! Merry Christmas and I PROMISE to finally mail that letter soon!

  5. Ohh!! I want to learn to can SO badly! I love this post!! I'm so jealous you've tackled it and I'm just staring at empty jars over here:) Great job!


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