Friday, February 3, 2012

Baby, It's [not] Cold Outside!

What in the world is going on?

I am not a believer in the whole Global Warming thing...
I mean, Ok, maybe if I had time to research it and
really give it a good go with the brain cells...
But, let's face it... I don't.
So therefore, I'm just not fanatical about GW and the cause/effects of it.

HOWEVER... 58* in January.
In little old Central PA.
Well, that's just plain FREAKY!

Eloise, Boo and I took advantage of it though!
Oddly enough, I forgot to take any pictures of Boo!
Oh well!

Since it was kind of mucky out, Eloise donned her moon boots...
I mean, SNOW boots.

Boy, does she love clompin' around in those things!
And I have to admit, they are kind of cute!

We didn't stay out too long.
It was kind of windy....
But it was nice to get out for a little bit anyway!
I'll take 58* over 15* any day!!


  1. She is the cutest...58 is great, it is 78 here, tomorrow's forecast in the 80's! This is weird weather, huh! Have a nice weekend! Luv

  2. She's so sweet! Wish I could have been there with you guys!

  3. Eloise is a cutie! What a super awesome name :)I'm originally from Pennsylvania- the Lehigh Valley area. My husband and I moved to Vermont 7 years ago to pursue our dream similar to your blog title :)

    so glad to have stopped by here.


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