Friday, August 22, 2014

Christmas Shopping 95% Complete!

I know, I know... summer isn't even over yet... 
and here I am ready to talk about Christmas!
I can't help myself.  With baby #3 on the way, I am really trying to be
 on-the-ball and organized with my Christmas shopping list! 
 I just don't want to be waiting until the last minute.  
The crazy thing is, I have SO many other household things I 
should probably be getting in order before even thinking of Christmas... 
but those things are too overwhelming at this point.  SO... I have almost 
everyone on my list taken care of... and once everything arrives, 
you better believe I'm going to get it wrapped! 
 Oddly, I feel a sense of satisfaction 
about silly things such as getting my Christmas presents wrapped.  
I even help my neighbor wrap hers!

Here is a rag garland I made that I plan on giving to my 
neighbors a little early this year so that they can use it to decorate with. 

I made a bigger one for a friend and sent it to her for her birthday 
(yes, in August)... so I decided to use the left over 
fabric to make another.  Something simple to make that adds a 
little pizazz to holiday decorating!  
I know my neighbors will really like it!

What about you?  Do you do your Christmas Shopping early?
Any hints or tips?


  1. well done being ahead of the game! I am so not, but in my defense, all my closest family have birthdays in the fall, so I feel like I give them the first round of gifts them, and then have to reboot for christmas!

    1. We have our girls' birthdays right AFTER Christmas... so I can relate - just opposite! :)

  2. I had tried commenting last week and my computer acted silly, so I am finally commenting now! lol I like that garland idea a lot. :) I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet, but in your situation it's a great idea! You don't want to worry about it right before the holidays when you can prepare for the baby instead! Last year I did most of the shopping in December haha.

    1. I am guilty of waiting until December some years... sometimes it's hard to keep gifts waiting so long! The ones I have now are packed up and out of sight or else I'd have a hard time not wanting to give them out (and then end up having to get something else anyway!) haha!


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