Saturday, August 9, 2014

Fair Time!

 Last week my mom brought my sister's kids over and we headed
for the county fair!  It was Dinah's first time...
and though she didn't show much expression in the pictures, 
she did enjoy herself.  I think she was just so busy taking it all in!

I was very thankful for my niece and nephews who helped
Eloise on and off the rides, sitting with her and helping her hold on.
I wasn't able to help, since pregnant people aren't allowed on
the rides (not that I would get on while pregnant anyway!)

Dinah's first ride ever!  
The carousel!

I was a bit on edge the whole time, knowing that there are many
germs and many unthinking kids (and adults) there. 
With El's food allergies and Reactive Airway Disease, 
it is just so scary to let her be in such a high traffic, dirty place.
But I always keep her medicine within reach... and there is
a hospital not too far away... so even though I was
on edge, I was glad she could have the experience. 
THOUGH, she did start to break out in hives while on the
carousel (above).  Thankfully when they got off, we wiped
everyone's hands and took a little break and the hives
seemed to go away.  (phew!)

Someone was excited to get on the Ferris Wheel
for the first time ever!

She LOVED it!  
Dinah stayed on the ground with Mommy!

 Once again, I was so thankful for my sister's kids (and my mom)
helping my girls on the rides.  We all had a good time...
I'm sure the girls will look forward to next year
when the time rolls around!

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I loved all the pics! I'm glad my children could be so helpful with yours! It teaches mine good behavior/manners! :) Just wild to see them all in sweatshirts and hoodies!! :)


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