Saturday, January 26, 2008

A little crochet...

Last night I had a meeting at church. It was pretty informal (considering I was wearing jeans, a hoodie and chuck taylors)... anyway... I was telling a couple of the ladies (before the meeting) that I was going to teach myself to crochet. I got this little instruction book. LOL! The one woman, Cindy, is a crocheting fanatic and came right over and started showing me! I was like AHHHH! I had NO IDEA what she was doing! She got me started... and it's going... um... OK, I guess. I definitely need a lot of practice. But I am excited to know how to do it!! :) Do I need to make my stitches looser?

In other news, my great grandma just moved to town! Right across from my sisters, in a small personal care home! We had been praying for this! I am so excited that she is closer! I got her a pair of pants and a shirt (she doesn't have many)... so I think I might take them over this afternoon after my OTHER meeting this AM (at 9am). God is GOOOOOOOD!

1 comment:

  1. YAY for crochet!!! :) That is great Devon!!! I have crocheted..but it always hurts my finger...?? LOL i want to learn to knit. I used to know how..a long time ago, i think.

    I am so glad Grandma is across the street from me awesome is that?? :)


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