Sunday, December 27, 2020

Boo: 2006-2020

 I know I don't post here often, but for anyone who ever followed me years ago I thought I would just make a quick post that our old Boo pup had to be put down on December 23rd.

She lived a long, good life  -- 14.5 years!  She spent about half her life with us, but as we started having babies and our house kept getting smaller (ha!)... and she needed a couple of surgeries on her "knees"... she started spending more time with my in-laws who had a one story house.  It was such a blessing for them to have a distraction over the years of my father-in-law's cancer battle.  Once he passed in 2016, Boo was a constant companion to my mother-in-law.  They became the very best of friends.  We visited some, but with Eloise's dog allergies (oddly acquired after Boo moved out of our house), she was always miserable and it had to be limited.

Boo battled cancer off and on for a couple of years.  My mother-in-law opted for Boo to have surgery a couple of times, but at her old age and with the fast-growing mast cell tumors, she finally got to a point where she wasn't eating much and could barely get up to go out (without being completely assisted by a harness).  It was a hard decision for my mother-in-law to have to put her down, but we fully supported it.  We went out for a final visit just before the vet appointment.  It was a pretty emotional time, but it was the right thing to do.

Dogs are not people, but they can still hold a very special place in our hearts.

Boo will always be in our memories. 💕

May 4, 2006 - December 23, 2020

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Another year... Another month... Another day

It's been over 2 years since my last post!
Our little guy recently turned 2 and he is
just a hoot!  What a blessing he's been
throughout the last 2 years.  His sisters 
adore him (except when he is demolishing
their toys with his trucks!).

We are preparing for a move to a new house,
just across town.  It has been an interesting
process, to say the least.  Actually... I think
frustrating is more accurate.  It's a long story
and I won't get into it here - goodness knows
my mother and sister have heard me re-hash
it a number of times.  It's probably just best
to let it go...  

So we're hoping to be in the
new-to-us house in the next few weeks.
Then there will be the scramble of unpacking
and getting settled while I try to get our
homeschool curriculum all planned out and
organized.  Luckily, I use "Sonlight" which
has the lessons all planned, but I have an
order to things that I like to follow and I'll
need to get that all worked out.  It's hard to 
believe Eloise will be in 4th grade and Dinah
in 1st!  Time flies!  I hope to enjoy this 
schooling year more than I have the past
couple.  There are challenges with anything,
but I found it particularly challenging having
a newborn and toddler last year while trying
to navigate schooling 2 kiddos.  I'm hoping
this year doesn't have quite the bumps that
last year did!  I guess we'll see!

It's a dreary day in PA, but thankfully it is
cool outside.  Eloise is battling a random fever,
so I'm going to make some homemade chicken
soup and rolls for dinner and pray that her body
continues to fight off whatever it is she caught.

I hope to be back a little more often
in this space... I kinda miss it!

Monday, July 17, 2017

He's Here!

Dusten Matthew
8 lbs, 7.6 oz

Welcomed home by his 3 big sisters!
(Two of which surprised us with a stomach bug!)

Everyone is well now and we are counting
our blessings!!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

We're Still Here!

We are still here, I just haven't made the effort to post on the blog in quite a long time!

Eloise finished up first grade (second grade, here we come!)...
and Dinah finished up pre-K.  Not sure if we'll move on to Kindergarten
or not yet.  We may just focus on learning to read this year as we adjust 
to having a new baby!

Speaking of new baby... he/she is due any day.  
We are impatiently waiting!

Today we are headed to a 4th of July parade!
Hope you have a wonderful, safe holiday with your friends
and family!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Dinah and Eloise had birthdays this month!

The 4 year old! 

The 6 year old!

Each year I write the girls a letter on their birthday.
I also do it at random times throughout the year... but
I make sure to do it on their birthdays.
I tell them a little about themselves, silly things
they have said or done, their favorites, and about
their special day.  Since I got a polaroid instamax
camera for my birthday this year, I took a little
picture of the birthday girl, put it in the envelope
with my letter and sealed it up.  I put their names on
the outside and then stick it in their memory box.

Recently, I had to go out and buy BIGGER memory
boxes!  I went through the old ones and shed many
tears at the memories of pictures, special baby items, 
drawings, little notes and ultrasound pictures.  
There were many sealed envelopes (from me!) in
the boxes.  My hope is that one day when they are
older (out of school or even older than that), they 
will open those boxes and appreciate the memories
and, especially, the words that I have written just
for them.  We never know what circumstances we
may find ourselves in.  If something happens to
me - young or old - I want my girls to remember
the good (and bad)... and how much I love them.
I know you don't need notes and trinkets to express
your love.  We can show love to each other every
day - but I'm quite the sentimental type and I
hope my girls appreciate the time I've taken to 
write things down for them.

I've even started a Memory Box for the new baby
(due in July!).  So far it only contains ultrasound
pictures, but I plan to start adding to it with a letter
or two before baby is born. 

My mom's mother passed away unexpectedly 
from a brain aneurism when my mom was only about 6
years old.  She has a spiral bound steno notebook
(from the early 1960's) that has her mother's 
words and handwriting in it.  It's a journal of sorts that
tells little bits and pieces of her life with her husband
and 3 kids.  What a special thing to have so many
years later!  It may seem silly - but I treasure that
book!  I will never know my grandmother here on
earth, but I have a glimpse into who she was and
the joys she shared.

Do you (did you) keep a memory box for your

Monday, December 5, 2016

Audra turns TWO

We had a princess party for Audra's 2nd birthday!
Cinderella's friends (above) decorated the dining room.
All of the Disney princesses decorated the tree (below).
The girls helped color the princesses.

The girls wore their Halloween costumes!
Snow White, Cinderella and Belle
(though I didn't get a good picture of Dinah as Belle to share!)

We had family and our neighbors over for dinner and cupcakes!

A family picture... with a balloon string down the middle...
and a crying Dinah!  (While Audra and El were being goofy!)

And finally... the last present!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

23 Months!

I try to be on the ball posting pictures of the girls
each month as they go from birth to two years. 
Just something I've always liked to do to see how
they've grown each month.

I totally dropped the ball for Audra this past month.
I was so engrossed in getting their Halloween Costumes
finished that the day pass me by without much of a 

So... I caught her right after her nap.
Here she is in all of her cheesy glory and silly nap hair!

Less than a month and she'll be TWO!