So, today... it's humid. It's sticky and hot. I have a headache. I really just feel kind of gloomy and BLAH! I have managed to take the dog for a walk, shower and dress, of course... and browse the internet, do some dishes and bake. But I really just feel like going upstairs and turning on the fan to nap awhile!!
Anyway. If you read my post from last week, I mentioned briefly about having to have an ultrasound on my kidney. The results are in and everything looks normal.
PHEW! But that still doesn't help in the case of the hurting back. So, I went on Monday to get some X-rays on my back and I am waiting to hear the results for those. I'll keep you posted.
Now... onto more interesting things... like a CHICKEN COOP! Yes, that's right. Cory and I are getting chickens. Thanks to my
mom who has been keeping them while they get their feathers, Cory's dad was able to build us a coop to put in the back yard.

I still have to get some stain on the outside of the thing... and Cory and his dad have been working on the run (when it's not raining). So tonight we take a trip to Lowe's to pick up a few things and then Tractor Supply to get a chicken feeder, waterer and food. We may even have the chickens here tomorrow! Which is sooner than expected, but my mom is having a hard time containing them all!
A little earlier today, I decided to try out a recipe for Nun Pastry. I had NO idea what I was getting myself into with this... but it wasn't a hard recipe at all and it was quite delicious!
You take a cup of milk and a stick of butter in a medium pan and heat it until boiling. Then you dump 3/4 c. of flour in all at once and stir with a wooden spoon until it is basically a big sticky ball! Remove from heat and let cool 5 mins.
Then you add 4 eggs--one at a time, stirring for a minute with each one!

This is what it looked like after all of the eggs were in and stirred!

Then you put them in 12 greased muffin cups (make sure even the top of the pan is greased since the pastry's puff up!). Sprinkle with a little sugar.

Bake at 375 degrees for 30 mins. Then pull out of the muffin pans and enjoy!

The recipe said you could serve with honey... but I decided to try a little homemade raspberry jam! Very very good!

I thought this would be more of a dessert type pastry... but it tasted very eggy (obviously since you put 4 eggs in as the last step!). I would recommend these for a breakfast or brunch and served with a variety of jams or jellies!
Now, one last sneak peek before I go... This is the fabric I plan on using to make another apron! I think it will be cute! (Crossing my fingers!)

Have a great day!!