Thursday, July 31, 2014

Birthday Happenings

Saturday, Cory and the girls went to my sisters house to hang out 
while my dad, his dog, my sister's boys and I participated in a 
Volkswagen Cruise in the next town over.

 ( ^ Our vehicles ^ )

 ( ^ Several of the maybe 40 vehicles that attended. ^ )

 ( ^ My dad's dog, Nickel. ^ )

It was a very HOT day... I was glad once the actual
cruise started so I could have the wind blowing in my face!

Of course, usually one or two vehicles break down.
Considering the majority of them are 30 or more years old, 
this is not surprising.
(One year there was even a wreck between a few 
of the vw's - yikes!  Brake Check!!)

Guess who broke down this year?


Ahh, yes.
It was little ole me!
Thank goodness my dad is a mechanic!
It took about 45 minutes and a little help from my sister's boy 
and another VW enthusiast... but they got him going again.
Thankfully my dad drove the camper back to my sister's
and I was able to drive the little red beetle back.
(I felt more comfortable that way, in case the camper
broke down again!  It was not a pleasant experience!)

You can see what my girls were up to while we were gone 
over at my sister's blog: HERE!

Sunday was my actual birthday...
it was pretty much a day of rest.

We had planned on attending church and spending the
rest of the day as a family.  Cory was even going to take
me out for dinner (a rare treat!).  But alas, Eloise
woke up in the wee hours with tummy troubles
and none of us got much sleep after that!

 ( ^ My birthday bouquet... beautiful! ^)

( ^ The girls helping me open presents... Cory goes all out
with the wrapping... leaving it in the USPS packaging it came in! ^ )

Add to that my sunburn from Saturday (forgot my
sunscreen, oops!), I just felt pretty miserable!
So we lounged around at home.

 Not much celebrating, 
but lots of love!
(And that's what truly matters!)


  1. I love that last pic of you and the girls!!! :)

  2. Great pictures! I love your vw camper, you don't see those very often.



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