Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Trip to the ER

Poor little Eloise is sick.  She has had a bit of a cough since Sunday and woke up on Tuesday with a barking cough (I actually thought it was the neighbor's dog barking!).  We had her to the doctor and they said she seemed to have a virus.  We got a prescription and instructions to give her breathing treatments and headed home.  Once home, she was really wiped and "rested" on the couch (she actually napped though she doesn't like to admit it!).  When she woke up she had a 103.1 temp... We monitored her through the day, gave her meds, etc etc.... and she just seemed to get worse.  Cory kept her downstairs at bedtime... bless his heart - he let me sleep (though it was pretty fitful knowing she was having a hard time).  In the morning she just wasn't herself and had labored breathing and a constant, non-stop cough.  Knowing she has RAD (Reactive Airway Disease)... where her respiratory system is more sensitive than normal... we decided to take her to the ER instead of waiting for the Pediatrician's office to open, schedule us, etc.  WHAT A DAY!  

Poor girl had to endure over an hour of getting an IV port in.  The nurses kept having problems with it.  I don't fault them - they can't help it - and they were super nice!  On the 4th try, they got it in... and it was defective and wouldn't let them hook up the tubes!  So the 5th time was the charm... but unfortunately it was on El's dominant hand since they had poked her other arm so much.  It was pretty traumatic for her!  They moved her up to the ICU, where they keep the kids (since it's a "watched" wing) and we spent the day doing pretty much nothing.  She would doze, watch TV, I'd read her a book... she wanted to play with Lion King toys we brought... but once we got them all out, she just didn't have the energy.  She's been getting fluids and breathing treatments and meds.  

If you notice in the picture(s)... she is wearing her muck boots.  She refuses to take them off... and I'm going to bet that they are going to be plenty stinky once she finally does!  My mom said that she knew if she took them off she'd have to stay... unfortunately, she had to stay anyway!

Cory is spending the night with her.  I wish I could be there... but Dinah needed me at home.  She spent the day with my mom and niece... and my sister will come tomorrow so I can head over early.

It'd definitely tough watching your little one be so miserable!!
But El's a trooper!  We're praying she's back to her old self in no time!


  1. hope all is well with her. I know how you feel about her in the hospital. it is hard to see a child and especially if it is your child in the hospital. hope she has a speedy recovery. so that mom and dad can relax and calm down knowing there child is feeling better. instead of having to worry about there child being sick. get well soon Eloise.

  2. Sending many prayers her way and to your family also. It is quite hard to see your child sick and you feel so helpless.


  3. Oh poor wee girl, and poor momma! Praying for you!!

  4. So sorry to hear about Eloise. I hope she is well soon.

  5. Sorry to hear about Eloise. I hope she is much better soon.


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