Thursday, October 25, 2012

30 Weeks

We had a visitor the other day!

Boo is doing well!  She has a long road ahead of her, but overall is doing way better than we anticipated!  You can see that her leg is [slowly] growing back it's hair after they shaved it for surgery... and odd duck that she is, look at how she is sitting on that leg!  Goofy dog!  But hey, if it doesn't bother her, then I don't care how (lazily) she sits!

And... my pea-brain remembered and then forgot that Eloise turned 21 months on the 23rd.  
I always try to get a picture to post... and I barely took any of her that day... let alone a decent one! 

It's hard to believe how big she is getting... and how wide her vocabulary is!  Not to mention the random things she says and does.  I'm sure every kid does their own thing--but it's fun to us since it happens to be our own flesh and blood!  Today she heard the paper boy open the front door and throw the paper in (we had it open since it was a glorious 75 degrees out today!).... and she yelled, "I get it!!!" and ran to the door... picked up the paper and called, "Thank You!!!" out the screen to the kid.  Then she brought the paper to me.  Made me chuckle!

And, of course... 
Today marks 30 weeks.

Yes, I am sporting sweatpants, a t-shirt, messy hair and no make up.
I. don't. care.

I get dressed up (aka: jeans and a decent shirt, etc) if I'm going out in public.
When I'm at home, I just want to be comfortable!
Especially when I'm on the floor a lot playing with Eloise... 
or cutting out Halloween costume patterns (finally had time!).

Honestly, I don't feel as big as I look in that picture.
I mean, I am big and mostly uncomfortable...
but even just yesterday my neighbor told me it was the first time
she'd seen me that I actually looked pregnant to her!
I literally see her at least every other day, if not more.
Of course, I'm not into the tight maternity clothes...
but still.  Weird!

So... there you have it. 
2 more months... that's what I keep telling myself.
2 more months.

I am not one of those "glowing" pregnant women...
I am ready to be un-pregnant! 

But I'm so thankful for the blessing that is and is to come!


  1. Eloise is so cute. And wow 2 more months! Doesn't really seem like a lot, but probably does to you! As a reader, it seems not that long ago you were announcing you were pregnant and now already 30 months! Of course my pregnancy feels longer to me than to others too I'm sure lol.

  2. You look beautiful! It is amazing what comes out of these little one's mouths. They sure do observe what is going on around them. Your two months will be gone before you know it. Time sure does fly. I can't wait to see what sex this baby will be. We just had a new baby born in our family. Lauren's water broke in the middle of the storm on Sat. night when the pressure dropped. They were able to get to the hospital in time for a c=section. Lily Belle was breech?. She weighs 6 lbs. 11 oz. and 21 inches long. She lives down near the coast, so I guess I will just see her in pictures a while.
    Take care.


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