Saturday, November 29, 2008
First Annual Light Up Night!!!
Last night was my town's First Annual Light Up Night! My dad was asked to decorate his tow truck and drive it through. I thought I would share some pictures of Before, During (decorating) and After (at the parade). My sister's boys got to ride in the cab and throw candy! They had a blast! The whole parade was a success and a lot of fun!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
For sure.
We are having a blizzard of sorts in these parts. We are to get almost 8" of snow by tomorrow. Fun fun fun!! (sorry, no pic to post--its really dark out!)
I have been busy at work... it always gets a little zaney before a holiday. Oh! And get this. The boss's wife (like the guy who started the company 40-some years ago) asked me to SIGN all of their Company Christmas cards... and Address the ENVELOPES! WOOOOOOT! Heck yeah! I love that kind of stuff. So when I'm not real busy--that will keep me busy! I am excited... I get to work 5:30-2 tomorrow. OR... if I want more hours I can go in at 4. I'm thinking I might TRY to do that--but its unlikely that it will happen.
I am suffering from a sore throat and sinus stuff. Not because I should be sick--but because I've been crying a lot. (Wedding stuff. Ever have someone disappoint you and totally hurt you----and then they wonder what it was that THEY did wrong? Yeah--I'm not even going to go there). So... I am going to take some kind of med to try to get that under control (the sore throat I mean... only God can change people).
Oh... Have you ever done the "Elf Yourself'??? My aunt did it for me... boy did I giggle!
You should go make your own! HAHA!!
We are having a blizzard of sorts in these parts. We are to get almost 8" of snow by tomorrow. Fun fun fun!! (sorry, no pic to post--its really dark out!)
I have been busy at work... it always gets a little zaney before a holiday. Oh! And get this. The boss's wife (like the guy who started the company 40-some years ago) asked me to SIGN all of their Company Christmas cards... and Address the ENVELOPES! WOOOOOOT! Heck yeah! I love that kind of stuff. So when I'm not real busy--that will keep me busy! I am excited... I get to work 5:30-2 tomorrow. OR... if I want more hours I can go in at 4. I'm thinking I might TRY to do that--but its unlikely that it will happen.
I am suffering from a sore throat and sinus stuff. Not because I should be sick--but because I've been crying a lot. (Wedding stuff. Ever have someone disappoint you and totally hurt you----and then they wonder what it was that THEY did wrong? Yeah--I'm not even going to go there). So... I am going to take some kind of med to try to get that under control (the sore throat I mean... only God can change people).
Oh... Have you ever done the "Elf Yourself'??? My aunt did it for me... boy did I giggle!
You should go make your own! HAHA!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Totally Out...
Of Water.
Yep.. that's right. I am OUT.
Thank goodness I have good neighbors!
It has been almost 24 hours since I ran out of water... and let me say that I STILL do not have much of anything. There is a bit of a tiny stream that will come out of my faucet. It is not doing anything... BUT STRESSING ME OUT. I have resorted to taking a small garbage can from my laundry room, shoveling snow and dumping it in the can, storing it in the bath tub (it's melting as I type)... so that I can at least flush the toilet!!! UGH! Luckily, my parents live next door... so I can shower there, etc. AND even better, the house that Cory is buying (which we will live in after we get married)... will have CITY water. I have never had city water in my life. I think it's time to upgrade (at least in the next 6 months anyway). Sheesh.
Yep.. that's right. I am OUT.
Thank goodness I have good neighbors!
It has been almost 24 hours since I ran out of water... and let me say that I STILL do not have much of anything. There is a bit of a tiny stream that will come out of my faucet. It is not doing anything... BUT STRESSING ME OUT. I have resorted to taking a small garbage can from my laundry room, shoveling snow and dumping it in the can, storing it in the bath tub (it's melting as I type)... so that I can at least flush the toilet!!! UGH! Luckily, my parents live next door... so I can shower there, etc. AND even better, the house that Cory is buying (which we will live in after we get married)... will have CITY water. I have never had city water in my life. I think it's time to upgrade (at least in the next 6 months anyway). Sheesh.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I must like embarrassing myself...
So, tonight I was thinking about finding my cd of my all-time favorite band. You've probably never heard of them... and unfortunately... they are no longer together. Anyway... I thought I'd try to see if they were on YouTube at all so that I could maybe share them with you. *laughing* I couldn't find a video of them (DARN!) but I did... LOL... find a cheesie video of their lead singer, who went out on his own. If you listen to it... I hope you get a few chuckles... because I am telling you right now that I had a crush on this guy all through highschool. From the time I met him - when I was like 14 or 15... until I was probably 22! LOL!! His band(Madison Greene)'s music was not like this solo song of his (at all). So, yes, the video is cheesie... but check out the hair! That was only about half of how long it was the last time I saw him... and it was allll dreads. I am such a nerd. It's funny how we have oogley eyes over people growing up. Fortunately I don't have pics online of other crushes I've had. LOL!! But I just had to share this. I'm a geek... and I admit it. Thank goodness I found Cory who shaves his head. I am so totally picky about my pillow cases... I change them all of the time. I can't imagine marrying someone with dreads and sharing a bed. LOL!!! No offense to anyone with dreads--because I still like the way they look... I just have this thing about having clean sheets--especially pillow cases! So... yes. I am weird... and I wish I could find a Madison Greene video. But this will have to do.
Ladies and gentleman... without further ado... Michael Blair:
Ladies and gentleman... without further ado... Michael Blair:
Highland Wedding
Good (Late) Afternoon!!
I wanted to share with you a print that my mom got me and Cory as an engagement present! I absolutely love it!! The artist is local... her name is Mary Hamilton. She does Linocut Prints... and after she prints so many--she destroys the blocks. So this is print 35 out of 54. Kind of cool! Sorry for the crappy pic... but I left the plastic on so that it wouldn't get scuffed until I decide what I want to do with it!! It's pretty funky, folksy and fun! It's called "Highland Wedding".
I wanted to share with you a print that my mom got me and Cory as an engagement present! I absolutely love it!! The artist is local... her name is Mary Hamilton. She does Linocut Prints... and after she prints so many--she destroys the blocks. So this is print 35 out of 54. Kind of cool! Sorry for the crappy pic... but I left the plastic on so that it wouldn't get scuffed until I decide what I want to do with it!! It's pretty funky, folksy and fun! It's called "Highland Wedding".
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I was tagged by my sis at The Country Blossom to list 15 things I am not afraid to admit! Let's see what I can come up with... (in no particular order).
1. I haven't had a soda in 9 yrs. (except for some sips of ginger ale one time when I was totally sick and puking). Not so bad to admit, right? Well... the REASON I stopped drinking it - was not because I as trying to be healthy. It was because I had met this guy (who ended up being my boyfriend for awhile) and when we first met, he said that HE didn't drink soda. So, I was of course, embarrassed that I did and decided that I needed to impress him by giving it up. Wouldn't you know--I don't even EVER crave it and would rather drink water now anyway! And he also drank soda all of the time anyway... so I guess I should thank him anyway for making me feel stupid enough to give it up! I am SO glad I have!!
2. I can't stand it when people smack their lips, chew with their mouths open, or make slurping noises when they eat/chew gum. It seriously makes me CRAZY. And I often threaten them if they don't knock it off. (Thanks mom!)
3. I once was backing out of a parking space in town (they are the kind that you pull in btwn the white lines at a slant)... anyway the guy in a truck next to me decided to back out too. I had already backed part of the way out and stopped to see if anything was coming and back the rest of the way. Well... the other guy decided to take advantage of the moment and started to back out also--and I didn't realize since I was looking behind me. So I kept backing out and we crunched each other a little bit as I was turning my wheel. Of course part of my headlight smashed... and his truck was totally fine. He made hand gestures at ME, like it was my fault! I was backing out first... he should've waited on me!! He just drove away. Is that a hit and run?
4. Ok--so my sis might be embarrassed for me telling this.. HEHE.. but one time when we were younger... like on the brink of puberty (what a gross word). I would say that she was maybe 11 or 12... and I was two yrs younger. Anyway... we got into the car with my mom one time to go somewhere and my mom started complaining because someone smelled... like B.O.!!! LOL!!! She made us go back into the house and use wash cloths to wash our armpits! LOL!!!! We still don't know who it was with the "odor"---but to this day... we go through A LOT of deoderant. A LOT. (Thanks mom!)
5. EEK! Ok--so 2 or 3 yrs ago... I was once writing an email to send to a coworker (the boss's son--LOL!)... venting about my supervisor. She was notorious for saying one thing and doing another... twisting words around... and just not being very nice. SO... I wrote the email... it actually wasn't too mean. It was just sending a blurb of what she had written me and I had basically written "see, she totally didn't.. blahblah.. whatever" (I can't remember the details). Well.. I hit SEND... and just as I hit it... I realized... I sent it to MY SUPERVISOR! (Must've been thinking of her and typed in the wrong addy!). I panicked. I ran downstairs and politely asked her to delete it. I didn't know what else to do. She didn't, of course.. and read it. She said it was "fine"... and then went up later to talk to the boss's son about it... and how they should handle it. Thank goodness he stuck up for me!!! My supervisor and I didn't talk much after that--and she ended up leaving for another job not long after. I guess I was the jerk. I learned my lesson!! (I also learned there was an email re-call button I could've used so that she couldn't open the email---of course, I didn't know that till later.)
6. In the third grade, we were at some family friends house for homemade ice cream! They had two boys who were a lil older than us girls... and LOL... we would always fight over the nintendo--and I would always win cuz I was littler! Anyway, in their basement, they had some skate ramps. I got the bright idea to go up to the top, sit on the board and roll down backward. Welllll... I sat... I also rolled... and the board also slid out from under me and up under my chin... where I proceeded to get a huge cut (stiches!) and broke my ADULT front tooth. Yes... I pretty much have a fake tooth now. Can you tell?? At least it's held out for 17 yrs!
7. Growing up, my sis and I used to go to the neighbors ALL of the time. We would watch movies, hang out and play games, etc. Well, one day we decided to open this jar of pennies. Not sure why. Eventually it turned into a penny toss. Then an all out penny war!!! We took pillows and couch cushions and made forts. Now, this was technically NOT my fault...... but someone whaled a penny and hit me in the back. So without looking... I came up from behind the fort and whaled a penny back. We heard a "ching!". Guess what it was? Oh my gosh. It was my SISTER'S FRONT TOOTH! It had hit her tooth and broken it!!!! How horrible! So... she also has part of a fake front tooth. It really was unintentional... I didn't even watch where I was throwing. Sorry Kate!
8. When I was 3... I ran up to the TV to kiss the Fall Guy, Lee Majors. Apparently I had some kind of crush on him.
9. Also.. when I was a toddler... I had really really short hair. It just hadn't grown out yet. My sister was so NICE to me... and would tease me that I was a BOY because I had "boy hair". I was little, I didn't KNOW! I believed her until my mom saw me crying and had to explain that I definitely wasn't a little boy.
10. Once, in elementary school (like 1st or 2nd grade)... I stole some paper. Me and this other kid would be part of a group who had to wait a little later for the bus. For whatever reason, the teacher would let us "straighten up" some of the shelves which held the paper items for the classroom. I guess she thought maybe it gave us some responsibility? I don't know... but he started putting paper in his bookbag. I was a little freaked out... but he said he had done it before and no one ever noticed. I didn't like the idea... but he told me to take some too. He stuffed a REAM of paper in my bag. A REAM! It wasn't regular paper... it was smaller... but still. Being the genius I am... I took it home with me.. and stuffed it in this little play cupboard we had. Eventually I got found out (I think Katy found it when she was cleaning one time).... and I got scolded and had to return it. Luckily, I don't think my mom told my teacher. (Thanks mom!) Stupid peer pressure in elementary school!!!! Sadly, the same kid who coaxed me to steal got messed up in some occult stuff and ended up committing suicide in highschool.
11. When I was in junior high, I was a cheerleader. We had to cheer at the basketball games for the 8th and 9th graders. During timeouts we would go out on the floor and do a cheer, sometimes with stunts. Well, one time, our cheer ran over and I remember getting panicked because the players were waiting for us to get off the floor. I was on the bottom of a stunt, holding a girl on my hands (with a girl on the other side). When the cheer was over and we had to throw and catch the girl to get her down... I threw... and walked away. I left the other girl to catch!! Luckily she caught all of her and didn't let her drop to the floor!!!! I was so mortified! It could've been quite the catastrophy! Yikes.
12. I can recite the address for the show Unsolved Mysteries on command.
13. A couple of years ago, Cory and I took Boo to Walk America (for the March of Dimes). You get a group together to raise money and then you walk a course around town. Well, my work was having a group walk... so we brought Boo (who was like 1 at the time)... and she was NOT good. There were too many people, etc and she was just all excited. So excited that she took a pooh in the middle of an intersection that we were walking through. Luckily Cory had brought plastic bags to clean it up. Oh my goodness. Then, he walked with it for quite awhile till we passed a small convenience store... and he actually threw it in their dumpster! LOL!
14. My first kiss was at a rollerskating rink... yes, while on rollerskates in the middle of the rink... skating to "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. Needless to say it was not a very good first kiss. And... everyone was watching.
15. Ok.. so this is really embarrassing... but I'm going to tell it anyway. Not long after Cory and I started dating... you know.. when you are still in the "girls don't poop, burp, fart, etc" phase.... we were watching a movie at his house. We both started to doze and all of a sudden... I ripped a big one! IN MY SLEEP! IT WOKE US UP!!!! I was all groggy... and was like "Did I just FART? Was that me?" (I should've just pretended it was nothing.. lol--but NO, I had to say something). We were both mortified.. although I tried to act like it was no big deal. Oh my gosh. At least it broke the ice!! HAHAAHAHAHA!
Ok--hope I made you chuckle and learn a little about me! Now, on to my tagging...
I would like to tag Melanie, Julie, Jane, Stephanie, and Jennifer!
No pressure on any of these girls... just thought it might be fun!!!
1. I haven't had a soda in 9 yrs. (except for some sips of ginger ale one time when I was totally sick and puking). Not so bad to admit, right? Well... the REASON I stopped drinking it - was not because I as trying to be healthy. It was because I had met this guy (who ended up being my boyfriend for awhile) and when we first met, he said that HE didn't drink soda. So, I was of course, embarrassed that I did and decided that I needed to impress him by giving it up. Wouldn't you know--I don't even EVER crave it and would rather drink water now anyway! And he also drank soda all of the time anyway... so I guess I should thank him anyway for making me feel stupid enough to give it up! I am SO glad I have!!
2. I can't stand it when people smack their lips, chew with their mouths open, or make slurping noises when they eat/chew gum. It seriously makes me CRAZY. And I often threaten them if they don't knock it off. (Thanks mom!)
3. I once was backing out of a parking space in town (they are the kind that you pull in btwn the white lines at a slant)... anyway the guy in a truck next to me decided to back out too. I had already backed part of the way out and stopped to see if anything was coming and back the rest of the way. Well... the other guy decided to take advantage of the moment and started to back out also--and I didn't realize since I was looking behind me. So I kept backing out and we crunched each other a little bit as I was turning my wheel. Of course part of my headlight smashed... and his truck was totally fine. He made hand gestures at ME, like it was my fault! I was backing out first... he should've waited on me!! He just drove away. Is that a hit and run?
4. Ok--so my sis might be embarrassed for me telling this.. HEHE.. but one time when we were younger... like on the brink of puberty (what a gross word). I would say that she was maybe 11 or 12... and I was two yrs younger. Anyway... we got into the car with my mom one time to go somewhere and my mom started complaining because someone smelled... like B.O.!!! LOL!!! She made us go back into the house and use wash cloths to wash our armpits! LOL!!!! We still don't know who it was with the "odor"---but to this day... we go through A LOT of deoderant. A LOT. (Thanks mom!)
5. EEK! Ok--so 2 or 3 yrs ago... I was once writing an email to send to a coworker (the boss's son--LOL!)... venting about my supervisor. She was notorious for saying one thing and doing another... twisting words around... and just not being very nice. SO... I wrote the email... it actually wasn't too mean. It was just sending a blurb of what she had written me and I had basically written "see, she totally didn't.. blahblah.. whatever" (I can't remember the details). Well.. I hit SEND... and just as I hit it... I realized... I sent it to MY SUPERVISOR! (Must've been thinking of her and typed in the wrong addy!). I panicked. I ran downstairs and politely asked her to delete it. I didn't know what else to do. She didn't, of course.. and read it. She said it was "fine"... and then went up later to talk to the boss's son about it... and how they should handle it. Thank goodness he stuck up for me!!! My supervisor and I didn't talk much after that--and she ended up leaving for another job not long after. I guess I was the jerk. I learned my lesson!! (I also learned there was an email re-call button I could've used so that she couldn't open the email---of course, I didn't know that till later.)
6. In the third grade, we were at some family friends house for homemade ice cream! They had two boys who were a lil older than us girls... and LOL... we would always fight over the nintendo--and I would always win cuz I was littler! Anyway, in their basement, they had some skate ramps. I got the bright idea to go up to the top, sit on the board and roll down backward. Welllll... I sat... I also rolled... and the board also slid out from under me and up under my chin... where I proceeded to get a huge cut (stiches!) and broke my ADULT front tooth. Yes... I pretty much have a fake tooth now. Can you tell?? At least it's held out for 17 yrs!
7. Growing up, my sis and I used to go to the neighbors ALL of the time. We would watch movies, hang out and play games, etc. Well, one day we decided to open this jar of pennies. Not sure why. Eventually it turned into a penny toss. Then an all out penny war!!! We took pillows and couch cushions and made forts. Now, this was technically NOT my fault...... but someone whaled a penny and hit me in the back. So without looking... I came up from behind the fort and whaled a penny back. We heard a "ching!". Guess what it was? Oh my gosh. It was my SISTER'S FRONT TOOTH! It had hit her tooth and broken it!!!! How horrible! So... she also has part of a fake front tooth. It really was unintentional... I didn't even watch where I was throwing. Sorry Kate!
8. When I was 3... I ran up to the TV to kiss the Fall Guy, Lee Majors. Apparently I had some kind of crush on him.
9. Also.. when I was a toddler... I had really really short hair. It just hadn't grown out yet. My sister was so NICE to me... and would tease me that I was a BOY because I had "boy hair". I was little, I didn't KNOW! I believed her until my mom saw me crying and had to explain that I definitely wasn't a little boy.
10. Once, in elementary school (like 1st or 2nd grade)... I stole some paper. Me and this other kid would be part of a group who had to wait a little later for the bus. For whatever reason, the teacher would let us "straighten up" some of the shelves which held the paper items for the classroom. I guess she thought maybe it gave us some responsibility? I don't know... but he started putting paper in his bookbag. I was a little freaked out... but he said he had done it before and no one ever noticed. I didn't like the idea... but he told me to take some too. He stuffed a REAM of paper in my bag. A REAM! It wasn't regular paper... it was smaller... but still. Being the genius I am... I took it home with me.. and stuffed it in this little play cupboard we had. Eventually I got found out (I think Katy found it when she was cleaning one time).... and I got scolded and had to return it. Luckily, I don't think my mom told my teacher. (Thanks mom!) Stupid peer pressure in elementary school!!!! Sadly, the same kid who coaxed me to steal got messed up in some occult stuff and ended up committing suicide in highschool.
11. When I was in junior high, I was a cheerleader. We had to cheer at the basketball games for the 8th and 9th graders. During timeouts we would go out on the floor and do a cheer, sometimes with stunts. Well, one time, our cheer ran over and I remember getting panicked because the players were waiting for us to get off the floor. I was on the bottom of a stunt, holding a girl on my hands (with a girl on the other side). When the cheer was over and we had to throw and catch the girl to get her down... I threw... and walked away. I left the other girl to catch!! Luckily she caught all of her and didn't let her drop to the floor!!!! I was so mortified! It could've been quite the catastrophy! Yikes.
12. I can recite the address for the show Unsolved Mysteries on command.
13. A couple of years ago, Cory and I took Boo to Walk America (for the March of Dimes). You get a group together to raise money and then you walk a course around town. Well, my work was having a group walk... so we brought Boo (who was like 1 at the time)... and she was NOT good. There were too many people, etc and she was just all excited. So excited that she took a pooh in the middle of an intersection that we were walking through. Luckily Cory had brought plastic bags to clean it up. Oh my goodness. Then, he walked with it for quite awhile till we passed a small convenience store... and he actually threw it in their dumpster! LOL!
14. My first kiss was at a rollerskating rink... yes, while on rollerskates in the middle of the rink... skating to "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. Needless to say it was not a very good first kiss. And... everyone was watching.
15. Ok.. so this is really embarrassing... but I'm going to tell it anyway. Not long after Cory and I started dating... you know.. when you are still in the "girls don't poop, burp, fart, etc" phase.... we were watching a movie at his house. We both started to doze and all of a sudden... I ripped a big one! IN MY SLEEP! IT WOKE US UP!!!! I was all groggy... and was like "Did I just FART? Was that me?" (I should've just pretended it was nothing.. lol--but NO, I had to say something). We were both mortified.. although I tried to act like it was no big deal. Oh my gosh. At least it broke the ice!! HAHAAHAHAHA!
Ok--hope I made you chuckle and learn a little about me! Now, on to my tagging...
I would like to tag Melanie, Julie, Jane, Stephanie, and Jennifer!
No pressure on any of these girls... just thought it might be fun!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Totally Unexpected!
So, I wanted to share with you a picture I received in my work email this afternoon. A coworker had gone to a jobsite to deliver a part... and this is how it was unloaded! I was totally surprised... but I think it's pretty cool!! :) I believe my coworker was so amazed that he couldn't help but snap a pic with his phone!

I have been absolutely busy this week!!! I had meetings on Monday and Tuesday... then Wednesday I took my grandma (with Alzheimers) out to dinner... and last night was the only time I've gotten to see Cory all week (and I won't get to see him all weekend because he is going to MD). Not to mention, trying to keep up with housework. And I have a lady who wants me to make her a pair of mittens... so I've had to get all of that together so she can choose her color/pattern. It has just been hectic! But it's Friday and hopefully I will be able to relax a little this weekend. (Probably not... but I'm hoping!!!)
Last night, in the horrible lighting of my living room (when the main light isn't on)... Cory was taking pics of the animals... they look a little creepy. LOL! But we love them!
Well, I have to hurry to get ready for work... so I'm off! Have a nice day!!
Last night, in the horrible lighting of my living room (when the main light isn't on)... Cory was taking pics of the animals... they look a little creepy. LOL! But we love them!
Well, I have to hurry to get ready for work... so I'm off! Have a nice day!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thank You and The Winner!
Thanks to all who entered my little giveaway! It was nice to hear what you all were thankful for!
Cory is familiar with random number generator websites (from using them at work)... so he helped me out and here are the results!!!
I thought it was odd that it chose #10. I figured it would be a middle number... but I guess that's why it's a random number generator! So, CONGRATS to Julie!! :) WOO HOO!!!
I am off to work soon... and then off to the dentist!!! YEA! (I love the dentist)--I'm not even being sarcastic!
Hope you all have a great day!!
Cory is familiar with random number generator websites (from using them at work)... so he helped me out and here are the results!!!

I thought it was odd that it chose #10. I figured it would be a middle number... but I guess that's why it's a random number generator! So, CONGRATS to Julie!! :) WOO HOO!!!
I am off to work soon... and then off to the dentist!!! YEA! (I love the dentist)--I'm not even being sarcastic!
Hope you all have a great day!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Last Day to Enter!
Just a reminder... today is the last day to enter the Mitten Giveaway... and I forgot to mention before, but you don't have to have a blog to enter! Just leave an anonymous comment with your name and email (or if you prefer not to leave your email - check back on Monday to see if you won and I will post my email for you to contact me by!). There are only 10 entries so far... so it might be a close one!!!
GOOD LUCK! I'm going to run the random generator tonight... so check back tomorrow!!
GOOD LUCK! I'm going to run the random generator tonight... so check back tomorrow!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Ok, So a couple of things... DON'T FORGET ABOUT MY GIVEAWAY!!! can it get any easier... just leaving a little itty bitty comment??
I wanted to mention earlier this week... (but I got so caught up in the election)... that I lost 2 lbs from last week! WOOT!! I have been doing really well... and I'm really trying! I admit, Sunday is my mom's birthday and my sis is making this MEAN french toast casserole... so I may splurge a little then (oh yeah, and cake!)... but over all I am proud of myself for doing so well. It's not easy! I decided that you either need to just take control of it... or it will control you! I don't want to be that person who relies on food to get me through! It should be a nourishment... and yes, also an enjoyment... but I don't want to live to eat... I want to eat to live! Hooray for -2 lbs!!!
Also... My mom and I both sold a couple of pieces of pottery last night on Etsy! WOOT! I was excited about that! :) I just had to tell someone!
I am gearing up for a busy weekend... hope all is well in your part of the world!
I wanted to mention earlier this week... (but I got so caught up in the election)... that I lost 2 lbs from last week! WOOT!! I have been doing really well... and I'm really trying! I admit, Sunday is my mom's birthday and my sis is making this MEAN french toast casserole... so I may splurge a little then (oh yeah, and cake!)... but over all I am proud of myself for doing so well. It's not easy! I decided that you either need to just take control of it... or it will control you! I don't want to be that person who relies on food to get me through! It should be a nourishment... and yes, also an enjoyment... but I don't want to live to eat... I want to eat to live! Hooray for -2 lbs!!!
Also... My mom and I both sold a couple of pieces of pottery last night on Etsy! WOOT! I was excited about that! :) I just had to tell someone!
I am gearing up for a busy weekend... hope all is well in your part of the world!
Weight Loss
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yet Again... (and a give away!)
I am posting again today...
Just wanted to apologize for my previous post. Although I do mean what I said... I was rampaging a little as I wrote... and it may have come across harsher than what I really meant it to!! I am just sick and tired of crap -- and yes, I have been stressed lately. Instead of letting things just roll off my back, I have been stewing. I am calming down and praying for peace and patience!!! God will work out what needs worked out - I'm not going to make it any better by putting my two cents in when I'm all worked up!!
Anyway... to make myself feel better... I wanted to do something nice for someone else!! So I am having a little fall give away!! All you have to do to be entered is to comment and tell me something that you are thankful for! You will have until Sunday, November 9th to submit your entry... and I will post the winner on Monday! I'll use one of those random number generator websites to choose... so you don't get extra entries for posting about the give away on your blog -- but you are more than welcome to do so!! (I just don't have time to keep track of things!)
So... what am I giving away??
I'm glad you asked!
Here we have a handmade pair of wool sweater mittens! They are in this funky burnt orange color - with multi-colored yarn for the stitching! I made them myself and would love for you to have them and enjoy as the seasons change!! They will fit a women's medium-large.
Let me start by posting what I am thankful for. Of course, there are many things... but since Sunday is my mom's birthday... I would like to tell you that I am thankful for my mom and all she does for me and the rest of the family. I have been blessed with an amazing family... and mom is kind of the one who holds it all together, it seems! (Besides God, of course!). I am so glad that we will be able to celebrate her birthday with her and shower her with love!!
Just wanted to apologize for my previous post. Although I do mean what I said... I was rampaging a little as I wrote... and it may have come across harsher than what I really meant it to!! I am just sick and tired of crap -- and yes, I have been stressed lately. Instead of letting things just roll off my back, I have been stewing. I am calming down and praying for peace and patience!!! God will work out what needs worked out - I'm not going to make it any better by putting my two cents in when I'm all worked up!!
Anyway... to make myself feel better... I wanted to do something nice for someone else!! So I am having a little fall give away!! All you have to do to be entered is to comment and tell me something that you are thankful for! You will have until Sunday, November 9th to submit your entry... and I will post the winner on Monday! I'll use one of those random number generator websites to choose... so you don't get extra entries for posting about the give away on your blog -- but you are more than welcome to do so!! (I just don't have time to keep track of things!)
So... what am I giving away??
I'm glad you asked!
Here we have a handmade pair of wool sweater mittens! They are in this funky burnt orange color - with multi-colored yarn for the stitching! I made them myself and would love for you to have them and enjoy as the seasons change!! They will fit a women's medium-large.
Let me start by posting what I am thankful for. Of course, there are many things... but since Sunday is my mom's birthday... I would like to tell you that I am thankful for my mom and all she does for me and the rest of the family. I have been blessed with an amazing family... and mom is kind of the one who holds it all together, it seems! (Besides God, of course!). I am so glad that we will be able to celebrate her birthday with her and shower her with love!!
Here is what I have to say...
I have recently encountered a number of people who care to bash my opinions on politics. (Not in the blogging world - but in other networking sectors). I will openly admit that I did not vote for Obama. There are plenty of reasons why... and it didn't all have to do with guns and abortion. I do not think that all people who DID vote for Obama are unintelligent, nor did I ever say that. I believe that they obviously share a different train of thought and values - some that I do not believe coincide with Christian faith... but that's why we have Freedom of Religion, right? And quite frankly, we also have Freedom of Speech. So if I care to make statements about what I believe in or stand for... I don't expect to get raked over the coals. We are all entitled to our own opinions. You can make your statements, I can make mine. If I say something that you don't like or agree with... look at the facts... or just plain... Get Over It.
On a lighter note, I just posted a piece of my mom's pottery that totally rocks. Check out my Etsy Shop... (use the sidebar tool)... and let me know what you think of her casserole dish!
I have recently encountered a number of people who care to bash my opinions on politics. (Not in the blogging world - but in other networking sectors). I will openly admit that I did not vote for Obama. There are plenty of reasons why... and it didn't all have to do with guns and abortion. I do not think that all people who DID vote for Obama are unintelligent, nor did I ever say that. I believe that they obviously share a different train of thought and values - some that I do not believe coincide with Christian faith... but that's why we have Freedom of Religion, right? And quite frankly, we also have Freedom of Speech. So if I care to make statements about what I believe in or stand for... I don't expect to get raked over the coals. We are all entitled to our own opinions. You can make your statements, I can make mine. If I say something that you don't like or agree with... look at the facts... or just plain... Get Over It.
On a lighter note, I just posted a piece of my mom's pottery that totally rocks. Check out my Etsy Shop... (use the sidebar tool)... and let me know what you think of her casserole dish!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It's not going to be easy.
Last night... I must've had some kind of bug. I had the chills and my stomach was in knots--just twisting and turning. It was awful. I actually put a big bowl beside my bed just in case I woke up to puke. I actually woke myself up gagging at one point. It was NOT fun. Finally, I just laid hands on my stomach and prayed out loud to God that I wasn't going to claim this bug that was churning in my stomach and I prayed in Jesus' Name. The pain stopped. God is good!!! I slept through the night. This morning I woke up feeling better - but there was still a part of me worried that I had a bug. I had plans to take my grandma with me to the mall and my worrisome mind kept wondering if I was going to be OK to take her. I knew it would mean a lot for her to get out (without my grandpa---they need time apart because they are together 24/7)... so I really didn't want to miss it. My stomach still ached a little... but I never actually got "sick". So... My niece and I picked up my grandma (who has alzheimers) and drove to the next town over to get lunch with my sis and mom and nephew. It was a little crazy. Grandma gets confused so easily. Lunch stressed me. I am not used to being out with 2 lively kids (although they are GOOD kids) and my grandma who can't think straight. Then, our waitress was NOT a very good waitress. She messed up a lot of stuff. I would like to give her the benefit of the doubt because maybe she was having a bad day or something - but it was pretty crappy service. After lunch, my niece and I took my grandma to a store. I didn't realize that it was the first time she had been out shopping in about 2 years!!!! At least that's what she said. And when I really thought about it... I think she was right! She pushed the cart around and we went through the aisles of clothes. She would look at things and pick them up... but she had no idea how to tell size. She would look at the tags but not understand the S, M, L, etc. She would look at price tags and get flustered. I put something in the cart... and a few minutes later she would ask where it came from and why it was there and I would have to remind her that it was the item I'd just picked up. Then she would say "Oh, that's right!" I don't know if she really meant it and remembered it... I really don't know. I was so stressed. I WANT to spend time with her and I know its important for her to get out of the house and the blaring TV (my grandpa's escape from it all)... but I just couldn't handle it. I was watching a 7 year old and a 70-some year old. I wanted to help her read the tags and prices... but I also had things I needed to get. It was just so emotionally draining. I KNOW she has this condition... disease... whatever it is... but it is SO hard to see her out of her element. I kept wondering if it was a good idea to take her since she seemed to get so flustered.... but at the same time... I know that she goes crazy and gets bored being at home all of the time. She needs to talk to people and stimulate her mind... but after my bout of stomach issues and not getting to sleep right away, etc... I was pooped. I admit... I snapped at my niece a few times. More than a few actually. She wasn't really doing anything wrong... she would just say or do things that ANY little girl would say or do... but I felt like I was being so sensitive to my grandma that what she was saying only confused her. I just needed her to hush, ya know? After being in the store about 2 hours... we headed to the check out. She got so flustered with her money... so I paid for everything and then she paid me back when we got in the car. We drove back and I dropped her off... and it was a relief. I WANT to spend time and make memories. I know she may not remember them one day as things progress with her deteriorating mind... but I will and that's important to me. When I went home... I took my niece in and we got ready to leave for the teen center (that's where I am now)... and I just started to cry. It was so hard seeing my grandma being so confused and not being able to control her mind. And I also felt guilty for snapping at my niece. She doesn't understand what my grandma is going through and I wouldn't expect her to. I apologized to her for my behavior. I tried to explain myself in a simple way and tell her that I love her. It's all just so overwhelming. I don't know much about alzheimers... but from what I understand it can progress very rapidly. My family could all really use your prayers in dealing with what is to come. It's scary and sad...
I am not going to be able to see Cory until Friday... so that stinks. He is going to a football game with friends tomorrow and then has to go on a business trip Monday and Tuesday... and is busy Wednesday. I'm not sure about Thursday.... but it kinda stinks. Luckily I have him to lean on with all of this stuff with my grandma. He went through it with his grandpa a number of years ago.
I am off for now... don't forget to turn back your clock!!
I am not going to be able to see Cory until Friday... so that stinks. He is going to a football game with friends tomorrow and then has to go on a business trip Monday and Tuesday... and is busy Wednesday. I'm not sure about Thursday.... but it kinda stinks. Luckily I have him to lean on with all of this stuff with my grandma. He went through it with his grandpa a number of years ago.
I am off for now... don't forget to turn back your clock!!
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