I know, I know... summer isn't even over yet...
and here I am ready to talk about Christmas!
I can't help myself. With baby #3 on the way, I am really trying to be
on-the-ball and organized with my Christmas shopping list!
I just don't want to be waiting until the last minute.
The crazy thing is, I have SO many other household things I
should probably be getting in order before even thinking of Christmas...
but those things are too overwhelming at this point. SO... I have almost
everyone on my list taken care of... and once everything arrives,
you better believe I'm going to get it wrapped!
Oddly, I feel a sense of satisfaction
about silly things such as getting my Christmas presents wrapped.
I even help my neighbor wrap hers!
Here is a rag garland I made that I plan on giving to my
neighbors a little early this year so that they can use it to decorate with.
I made a bigger one for a friend and sent it to her for her birthday
(yes, in August)... so I decided to use the left over
fabric to make another. Something simple to make that adds a
little pizazz to holiday decorating!
I know my neighbors will really like it!
What about you? Do you do your Christmas Shopping early?
Any hints or tips?