I'm a couple of days late on this... just call it laziness.
I always procrastinate when it comes time to upload pictures from the camera to the computer.
Eloise turned 18 months on the 23rd.
I can hardly believe it!
Each day seems to go faster than the last...
and it seems even more so now that I am counting the weeks of my pregnancy.
Even though I am anxious to have another little one in my arms,
I don't like to think about it because I know that by that time,
Eloise will be almost 2!
It almost doesn't seem possible.
But, what a joy it has been so far.
Ups, downs and everything in between!
She is learning to ride her tricycle.
She can pedal forward and backward... but only enough to make herself
roll a little. She has yet to master pedaling in circles and steering!
We're working on it though!
She says SO many words, I couldn't even begin to list them all.
She amazes me at some of the words she says... and
I have to start watching my mouth!
I have a tendency to say "crap" a lot... and
guess who's picked it up! (oops!)
El's favorite food, by far, is blueberries.
She would eat them all day, every day if she could!
She loves playing with her "baby" and if you ask her where Mama's baby is...
she points to my stomach and says, "belly."
I believe she would LIVE outside if we let her.
She is like a tornado when we take her out in the yard to play.
It's rather exhausting!
But such a joy to watch her run freely with a giant smile across her face!
When taking a nap or going to bed, we always have to take her 2 favorite Minnie Mouses,
as well as a blanket (luckily there is no ONE fav blanket at this point, so we rotate!).
If we are getting ready to go up for a nap and can't find a Minnie,
she goes around the downstairs saying,
"WhereAre Minnie? WhereAre Minnie?"
(Where are you Minnie?)
She loves to sing and we sing often.
Though most of her words are random, she does know certain words and will sing them.
She makes us laugh when we sing "On top of Spaghetti"... when the sneeze part
comes up... she goes "AH-TOO!"
Also, if she falls or something happens...
she will say, "Oh No!" or "Okay"
(to let us know she is OK).
She also has learned to say "Happy Birthday"... just in time for my birthday!
She makes us laugh and brings us more happiness than we ever could've imagined!
I thank God every day for her beautiful soul!