This past weekend I was lucky to have a good friend of mine travel from Michigan to see me! We hadn't seen each other in almost 4 years! Her name is Kayce and we met during "Urban Ministry Training" through
Source Ministries in the summer of 2005. I think we hit it off almost instantly that week. I had traveled there on a whim and all by myself(
yikes!)!! It was an amazing week of fellowship, worship, prayer, art and ministry! One of the most amazing times of my life! I met a number of awesome people and have kept up with a handful of them, Kayce included! So! To get on to this weekend... she drove out Friday night and spent the weekend until she had to go Sunday! It was so nice to have her around to chit chat and catch up. She helped me gather items for little gift baskets I put together for my bridesmaids and came to my bridal shower Sunday afternoon! Here we are!!

My shower was a lot of fun! I didn't get any pictures... but you can see a few
HERE at my sister's blog!
And one last thing before I go start writing out MORE thank yous! My sis's boys are going to be the ring bearers in the wedding and they were SO excited about wearing tuxes. I mean... totally excited... it's hilarious! So last night we took them to get measured and they did so well! What cuties!

Taa Taa For Now!!!