I haven't posted in awhile because I have been so busy. Last weekend I was away visiting family and then this week I was supposed to get my passport, find flower arrangement ideas to talk to the florist about, go to the tux shop with Cory, volunteer this weekend at the Teen Center, have a practice hair appt for the wedding... and of course, go to work every day (BLAH!). Turns out... I have the flu. Well, that is what the doctor believes. I could barely stay awake on Wednesday at work--I got my 8 hours in by 1:30... dragged myself to the prothonotary's office to take care of passport stuff... and then went home. Thursday I went to work half a day and couldn't stand it any longer. I came home and slept and slept. Friday I didn't even TRY to go to work. I called off and just kept sleeping. I got up long enough to call the doctor, take a shower and then go back to sleep for a little while. The whole time I was a mess of aches and pains, chills and fever... coughing and sniffles. Miserable, seriously. I made it to the doctor and found out I had a temp of 102. The doctor said I could have pneumonia or the flu virus. She said she's only seen the flu one other time this season! Sheesh. I had to drive to the pharmacy to drop off my prescription, then to the hospital to get a test to see if I really have the flu. (They made me stick a long Qtip up my nose until I about choked--very weird sensation). I came home and went right back to bed... waiting for the doc to call with the results--which she never did.............????? (UGH). I have mostly been laying in bed. That's it. Cory has been over to take care of me... he made me soup and muffins and has given me medicine. All the while I have just been coughing and hacking and sleeping. He even put a cool wash cloth on my forehead to try to cool me down with my raging fever. I don't remember anyone doing that since I was small and my mom took care of me. Anyway... I am bummed that I had so much to do and didn't get to do any of it! I still should be in bed right now... but I am just so tired of laying around. I know I need to rest though... I am just tired of resting!!! I thought I'd get online to look up bouquet ideas... but I can't find any!!!!!!! I am looking just for a simple yellow rose with white daisies arrangement for me to carry... and then just a simple bunch of white daisies for the bridesmaids. You would think with so many internet sites and such that it wouldn't be hard to find something I like. No luck. I don't want gerbera daisies. Just plain white, wild-flower type daisies.... and soft yellow closed roses that aren't in a big round ball!! (You know those types of bouquets). I would like something more natural looking. Oh well... I will figure it out.
The wiring and plumbing on the "new" house should be done sometime this week... which means it will be time to go in and clean up and get ready to move some items in. I am struggling with the thought of living in such a small house (even though my current house is so small)... but I guess I will just have to make the best of it. Decorating for Halloween won't be too hard with the bright orange kitchen counter. LOL...
I am off to switch some laundry and climb back in bed for a bit... I hope no one else has caught the flu-bug. It is definitely no fun!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Way Too Busy
I have been way too busy for blogging... but perhaps one of these days I'll have a chance to sit and actually think of something to write about. Until then... check out my sis's blog!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Oh, Whats in a Dream??
Last night I had a dream (more like a nightmare). Every where I went, everything I did... Barack Obama was chasing me. I could NOT get away from him. Kind of ironic (Perhaps fitting). No wonder I slept like CRAP.
In other news... Cory has to have laser eye surgery on Friday. It just kind of came up! He has a tear in his retina (or something of the sort). He went to the eye doctor yesterday and they want to get it taken care of right away. He's nervous... I'm nervous for him... but it will be a relief for it to be fixed!!! I know it probably seems silly, but I'm taking off of work early to go over while he is having the surgery. It's too important not to--even though I'll just be in the waiting room! So, for Valentine's Day... I'll be driving out to see him! Not sure if we will end up watching any movies--we aren't sure how his eye will be the day after the procedure. Please keep him in your prayers!
Work has been dreadful. At least I can be thankful I have a job and we are actually busy in the shipping department! I am just so tired of having to get up at 4:30 every morning and working a 9.5-10 hour day. Oh well... Over Time pay is nice, I suppose!
Happy Tuesday!
In other news... Cory has to have laser eye surgery on Friday. It just kind of came up! He has a tear in his retina (or something of the sort). He went to the eye doctor yesterday and they want to get it taken care of right away. He's nervous... I'm nervous for him... but it will be a relief for it to be fixed!!! I know it probably seems silly, but I'm taking off of work early to go over while he is having the surgery. It's too important not to--even though I'll just be in the waiting room! So, for Valentine's Day... I'll be driving out to see him! Not sure if we will end up watching any movies--we aren't sure how his eye will be the day after the procedure. Please keep him in your prayers!
Work has been dreadful. At least I can be thankful I have a job and we are actually busy in the shipping department! I am just so tired of having to get up at 4:30 every morning and working a 9.5-10 hour day. Oh well... Over Time pay is nice, I suppose!
Happy Tuesday!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I Can See It!!
I can FINALLY see the grass! I have never been more excited in my life to see grass in my front yard! Granted, it's wet and mucky... and there are still huge splotches of snow surrounding it... but it reminds me that there is HOPE for a brighter season... SPRING shall soon be arriving!!! Even if Punxsy Phil said we had to wait 6 more weeks. Phooey on him!! I am holding out hope that spring will come sooner rather than later!! I am SO ready for it!
Yesterday was a good day. Boo and I went out to Cory's parents place to hang out. Cory was off helping some friends with their taxes, so Boo hung out with Cory's dad... and I went with his mom to the basement... to look at... BABY PICTURES!!! It's been 3 years and yesterday was the first day I saw Cory's baby pictures. Oh my goodness. They are SO cute! It's so weird to see pictures like that and then look at the person NOW and see the similarities and differences. (He had quite the head of blond hair!) I thought it was hilarious to see all of the toys he had in Christmas pictures. I kid you not... a big Mr. T doll! Complete with bling! A smurf tricycle! A ton of GI Joe, WWF, Transformers, etc. And a HILARIOUS Alf shirt! We enjoyed going through the pictures and talking. Boo enjoyed all of the attention she was getting also. It was a really nice day away. I am glad I was able to take Boo. I always feel guilty leaving her home alone for any extended amount of time (even when I go to work!).
I came home to find a book in my mailbox! If you haven't checked out That Chick Over There's Blog... I highly recommend it! She is just REAL. Recently she wrote a book called "Meeting Mr. Wrong. The Misadventures of a Southern Belle" . I pre-ordered it awhile ago and was so excited to see it in the mail! I immediately started reading it and was totally laughing out loud only a few pages into the first chapter. I'm looking forward to reading the rest over the next couple of evenings!
Is everyone gearing up for Valentine's Day? I can't believe its almost here already! Time sure flies! Cory and I have decided to just hang out at my house ALL DAY... and he even agreed to watch the ANNE OF GREEN GABLES movies with me! Woot! He doesn't know what a T R E A T he is in for! :) I will probably make some different foods to nibble on for our movie day and just enjoy the nice, quiet time at home. There is a show at the teen center that we probably should have said we'd volunteer for--however the guy who does the booking doesn't really seem to CARE that some of us may have VALENTINES DAY PLANS and just books whatever he wants without asking if it's a good day for everyone else (while he, of course, never bothers to come to ANY shows). So, Cory and I opted out of this one. We didn't really feel like spending our Valentine's with a bunch of people we don't know and hey, we'll be there the day BEFORE volunteering anyway. So oh well!
I am off to eat some breakfast and get ready for church!! Have a GREAT Sunday! (I hope you can see some grass too!!!)
Yesterday was a good day. Boo and I went out to Cory's parents place to hang out. Cory was off helping some friends with their taxes, so Boo hung out with Cory's dad... and I went with his mom to the basement... to look at... BABY PICTURES!!! It's been 3 years and yesterday was the first day I saw Cory's baby pictures. Oh my goodness. They are SO cute! It's so weird to see pictures like that and then look at the person NOW and see the similarities and differences. (He had quite the head of blond hair!) I thought it was hilarious to see all of the toys he had in Christmas pictures. I kid you not... a big Mr. T doll! Complete with bling! A smurf tricycle! A ton of GI Joe, WWF, Transformers, etc. And a HILARIOUS Alf shirt! We enjoyed going through the pictures and talking. Boo enjoyed all of the attention she was getting also. It was a really nice day away. I am glad I was able to take Boo. I always feel guilty leaving her home alone for any extended amount of time (even when I go to work!).
I came home to find a book in my mailbox! If you haven't checked out That Chick Over There's Blog... I highly recommend it! She is just REAL. Recently she wrote a book called "Meeting Mr. Wrong. The Misadventures of a Southern Belle" . I pre-ordered it awhile ago and was so excited to see it in the mail! I immediately started reading it and was totally laughing out loud only a few pages into the first chapter. I'm looking forward to reading the rest over the next couple of evenings!
Is everyone gearing up for Valentine's Day? I can't believe its almost here already! Time sure flies! Cory and I have decided to just hang out at my house ALL DAY... and he even agreed to watch the ANNE OF GREEN GABLES movies with me! Woot! He doesn't know what a T R E A T he is in for! :) I will probably make some different foods to nibble on for our movie day and just enjoy the nice, quiet time at home. There is a show at the teen center that we probably should have said we'd volunteer for--however the guy who does the booking doesn't really seem to CARE that some of us may have VALENTINES DAY PLANS and just books whatever he wants without asking if it's a good day for everyone else (while he, of course, never bothers to come to ANY shows). So, Cory and I opted out of this one. We didn't really feel like spending our Valentine's with a bunch of people we don't know and hey, we'll be there the day BEFORE volunteering anyway. So oh well!
I am off to eat some breakfast and get ready for church!! Have a GREAT Sunday! (I hope you can see some grass too!!!)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Little Helpers...
This morning, yes... Sunday, I was supposed to go in to work at 5:30AM. We were supposed to have a huge line up of stuff to have to package and get ready for a HUGE shipment tomorrow. Well, I was there around 5:45--but whatever... and let me tell you. There was NOT a lot of anything. AT ALL. I literally was there for 25 mins and finally told the other two guys I was leaving. I technically wasn't REQUIRED to be there anyway. I volunteered to go in. But we were given the impression that the warehouse was going to be jam-packed with items and that it was going to be a crazy time getting everything done. Well.. not the case... and I wasn't feeling well. So I just decided to come on home. Of course, I got stuck behind someone going 35 mph in a 55 zone... which did not help my already tired and half-sick feeling mood. But I am here now and instead of going back to bed, I got online since I haven't had a whole lot of time to do that lately.
Yesterday was a concert at the teen center. We had 4 bands... but then one band cancelled. Then on Friday another band called and asked to be put on the bill... so we added them. Then one of the bands broke down in some other state on their way to PA... SO... we ended up with 3 bands after all. My niece was staying with my mom for the day, so I asked if she wanted to come over to help me make some dessert for the bands. (We feed them dinner before the place opens). So, she came over and helped me make some cake cookies (YUM)... and some Dream Whip Salad (SOOO GOOD!) Here are some pics of my helper. We were still in our jammies, just bumming around! :)
My niece has the most wild imagination for a 7 yr old! She chit chatted about all sorts of things all morning! It made me think back to when I was a kid and things I can remember imagining and thinking about (yes, I can still remember some of that!)... and it seemed so normal at the time. It's good to have an imagination! Shows that creativity streak! (And its better than a kid sitting in front of a TV frying their brain for hours!)
Anyway... a little later on Cory came out and decided to do some chipping at the major ice build up on my roof. Apparently where my dryer vent is on the back of my house... creates a lot of ice with the warming and cooling of the snow on that part of the roof. Here is Cory with my "cool" safety glasses from work (we have them labeled at work because the normal kind are really geeky! LOL)
Luckily I had brought my "cool" glasses home from work! Cory claims they saved his eyes from being gouged out by ice chunks on numerous occasions!! I think today, Cory's next task in changing the furnace filter! I'm glad he thinks of these things... because I never give them a thought!!
I hope you will all be cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers as they win tonight!!! :) Unfortunately, Cory will be going to a friends over near his place, and I'll just buzz over to my parents. Neither of us want to drive 40 mins home after the game... or leave at half time... so its easier for us to each be in our own neck of the woods! Cory isn't rooting for the Steelers anyway... so he can stay in his own county till its over! HAHA!
Yesterday was a concert at the teen center. We had 4 bands... but then one band cancelled. Then on Friday another band called and asked to be put on the bill... so we added them. Then one of the bands broke down in some other state on their way to PA... SO... we ended up with 3 bands after all. My niece was staying with my mom for the day, so I asked if she wanted to come over to help me make some dessert for the bands. (We feed them dinner before the place opens). So, she came over and helped me make some cake cookies (YUM)... and some Dream Whip Salad (SOOO GOOD!) Here are some pics of my helper. We were still in our jammies, just bumming around! :)
Anyway... a little later on Cory came out and decided to do some chipping at the major ice build up on my roof. Apparently where my dryer vent is on the back of my house... creates a lot of ice with the warming and cooling of the snow on that part of the roof. Here is Cory with my "cool" safety glasses from work (we have them labeled at work because the normal kind are really geeky! LOL)
I hope you will all be cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers as they win tonight!!! :) Unfortunately, Cory will be going to a friends over near his place, and I'll just buzz over to my parents. Neither of us want to drive 40 mins home after the game... or leave at half time... so its easier for us to each be in our own neck of the woods! Cory isn't rooting for the Steelers anyway... so he can stay in his own county till its over! HAHA!
The Scarlet Cord
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