I know I haven't posted all week... I have just been sick (still) and last night I didn't get online AT ALL! *SHOCK!* I don't really have much to post about either. I've been working... that's about it. And it hasn't been all that exciting. Yesterday I loaded two trucks with the forklift. That normally would have been exciting, except I don't feel well and there were chains on the tires--so I was bouncing and bumping all over the place--and that wasn't very fun!! A guy at work cut his hand pretty bad and had to go to the ER. But I only saw him walk past... so I really don't know the story. LOL. Cory came over last night and made me dinner and we vegged on the couch. I went to bed and was probably asleep around 8:30pm--and slept until 6! That's a lot of sleep... but I'm still tired!!
Well, I have to get ready to go to work... again. *sigh* Maybe I'll have something more exciting to post about later!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Dizmas, a birthday party, and my pilot light going out....
Well, I have some pics from the weekend. I forgot to take a picture of my ladel
(sp?)... but it's in the dirty dishes now, and I don't really want to take a picture of that! (Although I should wash them!)

This past weekend, the main band at The Cord was Dizmas. I was so busy taking donations at the door, that I totally forgot to take pictures of any of the other bands! OOPS! I couldn't get very good ones of Dizmas either, but I tried!
They are really good, you should check them out. They aren't hard. Some of their earlier stuff was a little harder, but they've toned down. They are really nice guys too.. and the first time they came to play (last year or so), I took Boo.. and they LOVED her. :) So, of course I like them! LOL. If you see the stage in the background (which, like I said, I'm not much of a photographer), you will see some of the old features of The Columbia Theatre. It was used "back in the old days" as a picture house/theatre. A lot of older people who come in to see the restoration work comment on "I remember when I came here as a kid", etc. It is really pretty. A little cluttered from being used by the Cord for shows... but nice when it's cleaned up. I'll post more pics another time when I can concentrate on taking good ones!
Here are some pics from the birthday party... LOL!
I don't have any of the rest of the group, but I'd like to get some. My mom took a nice one of all of us girl cousins.
So, I got the mail today, and there was a free CD from Joyce Meyer Ministries in my mailbox. It is entitled "How to Handle Unreasonable Fear and Worry"--how appropriate for me!! I think I'm going to listen to it tonight... and maybe while I'm doing that, I'll patch up my work jeans. The holes are getting huge!
Oh, yesterday... Cory and I went shopping after church... and when we got back to my house... Cory told me to turn the heat up while he brought in some bags. I walked over to the thermostat and it read 53 degrees!!!! Yiiiikes!! It was cold! Cory checked my furnace... and the pilot light was out! We have no idea why... but he lit it back up. I was worried the whole house might blow up--but it didn't... and here I am, pathetically waiting for my frozen SmartOnes lasagne to cook in the oven. *sigh*
Well, hope you had a good Monday. I am going to post some on the Cord's MySpace and putter around the house!!
(sp?)... but it's in the dirty dishes now, and I don't really want to take a picture of that! (Although I should wash them!)
This past weekend, the main band at The Cord was Dizmas. I was so busy taking donations at the door, that I totally forgot to take pictures of any of the other bands! OOPS! I couldn't get very good ones of Dizmas either, but I tried!
Here are some pics from the birthday party... LOL!
I don't have any of the rest of the group, but I'd like to get some. My mom took a nice one of all of us girl cousins.
So, I got the mail today, and there was a free CD from Joyce Meyer Ministries in my mailbox. It is entitled "How to Handle Unreasonable Fear and Worry"--how appropriate for me!! I think I'm going to listen to it tonight... and maybe while I'm doing that, I'll patch up my work jeans. The holes are getting huge!
Oh, yesterday... Cory and I went shopping after church... and when we got back to my house... Cory told me to turn the heat up while he brought in some bags. I walked over to the thermostat and it read 53 degrees!!!! Yiiiikes!! It was cold! Cory checked my furnace... and the pilot light was out! We have no idea why... but he lit it back up. I was worried the whole house might blow up--but it didn't... and here I am, pathetically waiting for my frozen SmartOnes lasagne to cook in the oven. *sigh*
Well, hope you had a good Monday. I am going to post some on the Cord's MySpace and putter around the house!!
The Scarlet Cord
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Breaking the Silence
You might be wondering what the title of my post means. Well, I am sitting in my living room right now, waiting for a couple (they're married) to wake up so I can feed them and I dunno---do whatever a hostess does. LOL! Their groups name is Breaking the Silence. They are super duper nice... but its really weird to have people I DON'T KNOW staying at my house... in the next room. I didn't sleep too well last night!! They loved Boo and Boo loved them... she is impatiently waiting for them to wake up and play with her.
The other two band members are at my mom's house, as well as their Roadie. The concert(s) went really well! We ended up with 6 bands instead of 5... but they were all done in less than 3 hours! So that was good! Cory and I were the "donation takers" at the door. We probably had 50-75 people there!
Guess what happened to Cory?! He was walking outside downtown and the jewelry store on the corner didn't have their sidewalk area salted or cleaned off............ and Cory slipped and fell on the ice and smacked his head off of the concrete!!! He hurt his shoulder too!! Poor guy! :( He's a trooper though, so I think he's ok. He was awesome for me this weekend. When I went on the girls outing yesterday, he came over and cleaned and cleaned for me. Speaking of the girls lunch. All along we were pretending it was a baby shower for my cousin... but really we were having a surprise 50th for my aunt. Wellllll... we wrapped the presents in baby shower paper.. and as we started coming in to the restaurant--the waitresses were staring at us. We were still waiting for people, and the one head lady came over to clarify that they weren't messed up. She came over to talk to my mom - who was sitting RIGHT BESIDE my aunt... and mentioned about noticing the baby shower paper... but having ordered a cake that said Happy 50th Birthday. My mom was trying to make faces to give her the hint--but it didn't work. She blew it! Once she realized, she felt so horrible! OOoops. I think my aunt was bummed that it wasn't really a baby shower! She was looking forward to seeing my prego cousin! Oh well. It went pretty good... and I bought this sweet spackle-wear ladle (in cream and green)--love it! I would post pics... but I am trying to be quiet while these people are sleeping (however their cellphone seems to go off A LOT).
Still sick---but feeling a bit better. I have a tureen dinner after church, then gotta go birthday/baby shower/Alaska shopping with Cory. (He's going to Alaska soon!! WITH NO CELL PHONE SERVICE!!--AHH!)

Guess what happened to Cory?! He was walking outside downtown and the jewelry store on the corner didn't have their sidewalk area salted or cleaned off............ and Cory slipped and fell on the ice and smacked his head off of the concrete!!! He hurt his shoulder too!! Poor guy! :( He's a trooper though, so I think he's ok. He was awesome for me this weekend. When I went on the girls outing yesterday, he came over and cleaned and cleaned for me. Speaking of the girls lunch. All along we were pretending it was a baby shower for my cousin... but really we were having a surprise 50th for my aunt. Wellllll... we wrapped the presents in baby shower paper.. and as we started coming in to the restaurant--the waitresses were staring at us. We were still waiting for people, and the one head lady came over to clarify that they weren't messed up. She came over to talk to my mom - who was sitting RIGHT BESIDE my aunt... and mentioned about noticing the baby shower paper... but having ordered a cake that said Happy 50th Birthday. My mom was trying to make faces to give her the hint--but it didn't work. She blew it! Once she realized, she felt so horrible! OOoops. I think my aunt was bummed that it wasn't really a baby shower! She was looking forward to seeing my prego cousin! Oh well. It went pretty good... and I bought this sweet spackle-wear ladle (in cream and green)--love it! I would post pics... but I am trying to be quiet while these people are sleeping (however their cellphone seems to go off A LOT).
Still sick---but feeling a bit better. I have a tureen dinner after church, then gotta go birthday/baby shower/Alaska shopping with Cory. (He's going to Alaska soon!! WITH NO CELL PHONE SERVICE!!--AHH!)
The Scarlet Cord,
Friday, February 22, 2008
Are you THIS creative!?
You guys HAVE to go to this blog. I just stumbled upon it tonight... as I was trying to get OFF the computer... and I just love it. It is AWESOME. View it HERE!!
So, I didn't get too much cleaning done--however, I did manage to spend time with my nephew (while my mom ran to the store).... and made us dinner. Which he barely ate. Apparently he doesn't like chicken with lemon juice. I fault myself. I told him I was making my chicken with lemon juice. He was quite curious about it (he's 4). He asked if you could drink it. And I said that it prob wouldn't taste very good. But he insisted that I put some in his mouth. So... I did. Just a couple of drops. Boy did his face twist! I said "Do you like it?" and he just looked at me and kept swishing in his mouth. All of a sudden, he gets a big frown and shook his head NO. oops! So, I gave him something to drink. Well... knowing that the chicken had lemon juice on it... and he definitely didn't like the taste of lemon juice... he took one bite of the chicken and spit it out. He also informed me that he only likes mashed potatoes... which, my baked potatoes were BARELY even baked. I'm a horrible cook! After he left, I puttered around, straightening up and getting the guest room ready. Ok, so I am a big dork, I know. But last weekend we were at my great grandparents house going through everything (since my great grandma is in a home)... and I found this old guitar with my grandpa's name on it! I was thrilled. I asked my grandpa if I could have it... and he sure as heck didn't want it (it has 2 strings left--if you can even call them "left"). So... I brought it home and tonight, hung it on the wall of my guest room. Hehe. Weird, I know.. but its sooo old and sooo cool!

Anyway--I made cookies and went through stuff, and did dishes and some laundry... but my house is still a wreck. Oh well.
I seriously ate too much junk today (baking always gets me! nibble nibble!)... I need to go to bed and sleep it off... and I have to get up early tomorrow!
Don't forget to check out that blog at the top of my post!!!
So, I didn't get too much cleaning done--however, I did manage to spend time with my nephew (while my mom ran to the store).... and made us dinner. Which he barely ate. Apparently he doesn't like chicken with lemon juice. I fault myself. I told him I was making my chicken with lemon juice. He was quite curious about it (he's 4). He asked if you could drink it. And I said that it prob wouldn't taste very good. But he insisted that I put some in his mouth. So... I did. Just a couple of drops. Boy did his face twist! I said "Do you like it?" and he just looked at me and kept swishing in his mouth. All of a sudden, he gets a big frown and shook his head NO. oops! So, I gave him something to drink. Well... knowing that the chicken had lemon juice on it... and he definitely didn't like the taste of lemon juice... he took one bite of the chicken and spit it out. He also informed me that he only likes mashed potatoes... which, my baked potatoes were BARELY even baked. I'm a horrible cook! After he left, I puttered around, straightening up and getting the guest room ready. Ok, so I am a big dork, I know. But last weekend we were at my great grandparents house going through everything (since my great grandma is in a home)... and I found this old guitar with my grandpa's name on it! I was thrilled. I asked my grandpa if I could have it... and he sure as heck didn't want it (it has 2 strings left--if you can even call them "left"). So... I brought it home and tonight, hung it on the wall of my guest room. Hehe. Weird, I know.. but its sooo old and sooo cool!
Anyway--I made cookies and went through stuff, and did dishes and some laundry... but my house is still a wreck. Oh well.
I seriously ate too much junk today (baking always gets me! nibble nibble!)... I need to go to bed and sleep it off... and I have to get up early tomorrow!
Don't forget to check out that blog at the top of my post!!!
What a CRAZY day so far at work!!!! Holy Cow!
I am still sick... but slowly getting better.
I guess I spoke too soon when I said that I didn't have to have anybody from the bands stay at my house! I am stressing! My mom called me this AM and said that we needed my guest bed. So I have to go home and clean clean clean!! I have so much to do and so little time!!
AH! Pray for me!
I am still sick... but slowly getting better.
I guess I spoke too soon when I said that I didn't have to have anybody from the bands stay at my house! I am stressing! My mom called me this AM and said that we needed my guest bed. So I have to go home and clean clean clean!! I have so much to do and so little time!!
AH! Pray for me!
The Scarlet Cord,
Thursday, February 21, 2008
So, I am getting over my cold... sort of. I'm definitely not blowing my nose as much. I'm not as tired either... but I'm still a little on the slow side and blow my nose often for good measure.
Tonight I am going to the first GLOW meeting. You can read about it on my sister's blog HERE.
Tomorrow, I would normally be going to The Scarlet Cord to volunteer, however, Cory insists that I stay home and rest. So, after work tomorrow, I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing. Either staying home and relaxing, or going to the Cord and trying to clean up a bit... because on Saturday we have FIVE bands coming in!
I have to make salad, pick up rolls and make dessert for like 30-40 people! I was going to maybe have some people crash at my house, but I just have too much going on and my house is a wreck... plus.. I've been sick. So, I got out of that one. Thankfully!! AND...
Saturday in the morning, a bunch of us (the girls) on my mom's side of the family, are meeting for lunch about an hour and a half away. It's kind of a halfway point for meeting with a couple of aunts and my grammie. It's going to be a busy weekend! And to top it off--I haven't been watching my calories/exercising too much (and there are going to be goodies at tonight's meeting)... so I don't think my weigh-in on Monday is going to be too great!!! Oh well.
Happy Friday--tomorrow!
Tonight I am going to the first GLOW meeting. You can read about it on my sister's blog HERE.
Tomorrow, I would normally be going to The Scarlet Cord to volunteer, however, Cory insists that I stay home and rest. So, after work tomorrow, I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing. Either staying home and relaxing, or going to the Cord and trying to clean up a bit... because on Saturday we have FIVE bands coming in!

Saturday in the morning, a bunch of us (the girls) on my mom's side of the family, are meeting for lunch about an hour and a half away. It's kind of a halfway point for meeting with a couple of aunts and my grammie. It's going to be a busy weekend! And to top it off--I haven't been watching my calories/exercising too much (and there are going to be goodies at tonight's meeting)... so I don't think my weigh-in on Monday is going to be too great!!! Oh well.
Happy Friday--tomorrow!
The Scarlet Cord
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I went to work today for 2 hours and could barely stand it. I have a horrible cold!!! I finally decided to come home and rest. I literally drove home, took a shower, got into bed and SLEPT! I had to get up to let the dog out and figured I should take my next dose of DayQuil. Well, on an empty stomach, that doesn't sit too well. So I laid back down and started feeling really gross... and realized I'd better get something to eat. So, I had lunch and now I am getting ready to go BACK to bed! I just feel totally exhausted! I don't like missing work--mainly because I can't afford it. But yesterday, I was miserable... and today started off just as bad. Sneezing, coughing, sniffling, sinus pressure, etc etc. Aren't ya glad we're behind computers so I don't pass it to ya!? Pray for me to get well!!
I also wanted to encourage you all to go to this site. All you have to do is go to the site and click the button. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but by clicking, you are helping to feed rescued animals. There are also other tabs you can go to on that page to click the button and help literacy, breast cancer, rainforest, hunger, etc. I happened upon it one day on someone else's blog... and now try to make it a point to go there as much as possible! Bookmark it!
I also wanted to encourage you all to go to this site. All you have to do is go to the site and click the button. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but by clicking, you are helping to feed rescued animals. There are also other tabs you can go to on that page to click the button and help literacy, breast cancer, rainforest, hunger, etc. I happened upon it one day on someone else's blog... and now try to make it a point to go there as much as possible! Bookmark it!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Just Added....
I just added these adorable earrings to my Etsy Shop! They are simple, but so sweet! I have other colors I will be posting at another time!! I may just keep a pair for myself!! I love them! Check out my shop HERE!!
Blue Monday
So, I am suffering from a horrible cold. I had it over the weekend, and Cory came out to take care of me. The roads were horribly icy on Sunday - so church was actually cancelled! Cory waited until it warmed up a bit, then came out to make me lunch and baby me. :) We watched "Must Love Dogs" and bummed around. Or I should say that I bummed around. He did dishes and took care of the dog. We have a small flea problem at my house. I don't know HOW!? We had a major problem this fall, but we bombed like crazy and treated Boo and Weezer... but they are back to scratching again. So Cory is trying to do what he can for them until the weather warms up and we can maybe bomb the house again. Boy do I hate fleas! I didn't even notice we had them--I haven't gotten bit.. and I thought Boo just had dry skin. *sigh* Anyone know any good home-remedies for fleas?
I considered going home from work early today, but I have a meeting at church tonight that I don't want to miss... and I figured, I'd made it this far (lunch time)... I can make it the rest of the day. I almost couldn't keep my eyes open though! I had to put my head down a few times. I am looking forward to going home and eating some homemade veggie beef soup that my mom made yesterday!!!
Oh--good news! At today's weigh-in... I lost another 2 lbs! Down to 153! Cathy stayed the same... but that was better than gaining. We both thought for sure we'd gained... so it was another victory this AM on the scale.
I considered going home from work early today, but I have a meeting at church tonight that I don't want to miss... and I figured, I'd made it this far (lunch time)... I can make it the rest of the day. I almost couldn't keep my eyes open though! I had to put my head down a few times. I am looking forward to going home and eating some homemade veggie beef soup that my mom made yesterday!!!
Oh--good news! At today's weigh-in... I lost another 2 lbs! Down to 153! Cathy stayed the same... but that was better than gaining. We both thought for sure we'd gained... so it was another victory this AM on the scale.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Our Valentine's Day (night)...
Yesterday, as you all know, was Valentine's Day. Cory reserved tickets for us to see the movie "bella" at the Theater in the next town. Lucky he did, because when we got there, the line was already long and although we were one of the first ones in, every seat was taken by the time the movie started. But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself...... After work I stopped at a local convenience store and bought my first-ever-in-my-whole-life lottery ticket. I felt SO weird!
I thought it would be fun to put in Cory's Valentine's Day card... and hey, it was only $1! So, I went home, got myself cleaned up from work... and met Cory at the Subway next to the theater (yes, quite the romantic dinner...lol!). The line was so long! Who would've thought that people would be at SUBWAY on Valentine's Day!? Sheesh! So, we scarfed our food and then hurried back to my car to exchange gifts. I gave him his first... which were the card (and the ticket--which was a dud. Oh well!)... some custom stamps of my dog Boo, and the whole Bible on CD (after MUCH research)... so that he can listen to it in his car while he travels. Then, came my gifts... which you can see in the picture--as well as 2 other books he didn't bring!
Now, I know you must be thinking "what in the world!? books about anxiety, pain, depression!?"... well, I admit it is something I suffer from (which you may have known from reading some of my earlier posts). I suffer with it quite badly sometimes and Cory does all he knows how to do to help me. He's my shoulder to cry on (when I have no reason to be crying), my ear to listen (when I am scared or anxious about the future), and I know he truly loves me... or he would've been gone a long time ago. So, I appreciate the books very much... and I have started reading the one about Medicine. I would like to stop taking my Zoloft. ANYWAY! As we watched the line outside of the theater grow, we finally got out of the car... and Cory grabbed a bottle of water out of his car. I was like.. "what are you doing, you can't take that in"... and he said he was "thirsty". Then he opens his trunk and pulls out a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses (mini ones! so cute)... MY FAV!
Hence, the flowers were "thirsty", not Cory. So we put the flowers in the water in my car to keep them fresh while we were at the movie. While in line... we chit chatted... and Cory's attention was obviously on the people who were walking inside--while we were standing outside in line FREEZING. He felt too silly to ask if "presale" tickets were able to go inside... SO, I did. ME! Miss "I don't like to talk to people I don't know"... I went and asked and wouldn't ya know... I got in!!! So, I flagged Cory in and we found our seats, etc. We had 45 mins till the movie started, LOL... so we just talked. Then, lucky us, we had two teenagers sit beside us. They were so comical in exchanging their Vday gifts. By comical, I mean... nerdy. It was so silly... and I tried not to listen, but they were kind of loud and it was hard not to! LOL! It was funny. Of course, they then proceeded to grace us with some commentary DURING the WHOLE movie.. which was rather irritating!
Why can't people just be quiet? *sigh* So, the movie was good... but it made me CRY AND CRY AND CRY... the whole way home. I'm a goober. So, now tonight Cory is taking me out for dinner since we only had a chance to scarf some Subway last night! I am going to go try to make myself at least a little presentable!! I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day!!
Bye For Now!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
So, today was the second weigh-in at work. I was dreading it a bit... mainly because it has been so cold here.. I didn't want to walk across the lot to the warehouse to jump on the scale. But Cathy and I braved the freezing cold... and believe it or not... claimed VICTORY! I was totally shocked when it said I had lost 6 lbs. We actually had the warehouse guy, John, come over and weigh himself to see if it was off-kilter (because he weighs the same almost EVERY time). So... 6 lbs it was for me!!! And then I was worried for Cathy... but she climbed up there.. and had lost 2 lbs!! woo hoo!! We were jumping around, giving each other high-fives and being such goofballs. But, hey, can you blame us? Trying to lose weight is not an easy thing!! WOOHOO!! The rest of my day was pretty blah. My stomach started feeling pretty icky.. and I know that stomach flu has been going around, so I'm crossing my fingers that I don't get that!!!
I have a meeting tonight, so I am going to fix up some dinner and relax a little before I have to leave.
Hope everyone had a GREAT day!
I have a meeting tonight, so I am going to fix up some dinner and relax a little before I have to leave.
Hope everyone had a GREAT day!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
New Items Posted!
I just wanted to let you know that I posted some earrings on Etsy!!!
Cory was sick today... he came over but felt too horrible with a sore throat and fever to accompany me to church. I tucked him in my bed and left him to sleep while I went in to the service. Afterwards, it was like a blizzard outside! It was crazy! I managed to make it to the grocery to pick up some stuff for my parents for lunch (my mom is sick).... and picked up a carnation for Cory. He was still snoozing when I got home, but I fixed him lunch and he came out to sit with me on the couch while I updated my etsy items! He seemed a bit better after resting... even played with Boo a little, which made her happy!!! Hope everyone gets well soon! So many bugs going around!!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
dreaded denim...
so today, i had to get some new jeans for work. where i work (shipping and receiving), i have to make sure i buy jeans that CAN get dirty. i am constantly running around in the muck and mud... and wiping dirt and grime off of my hands. sometimes even jumping in a forklift to zip around and move some pallets. well, unfortunately, i have been getting some pretty good size holes in my 2 favorite pair of work jeans. of course, the one day... i crouched down to write some information on a big stack of steel side plates... and happened to notice the BREEZE where the seam had come totally undone at the crotch. LOVELY. so, i had to sew those up pretty quick (not after being paranoid all day that everyone could notice). anyway,the holes are a no-no... because, despite being dirty, i must be at least SOMEWHAT presentable. i've got a hole in a knee and under the one back pocket on one pair... and one forming under the back pocket of another pair. *sigh* so i had to go JEAN SHOPPING. despite my somewhat small amount of weightloss over the past month... it was still torture. UGH! and after 3 stores... we finally ended up at Walmart... where i thought i could get a pair pretty cheap. $9 isn't too bad, right? These ones fit pretty well and the best part, is if i bend over--which i do often at work-- you can't see my lovely bottom hanging out. WELL, when they rang them out... they were $16! I questioned the cashier and she even went with another girl to the spot where they were stacked--and apparently i didn't look closely enough because the $9 pair were for "classic fit". i definitely can't wear classic fit with these hips! so i stuck with the $16 pair. life goes on!
while at the mall (jean shopping earlier).... cory and i spotted a crane machine. for those of you who know me well... you know how completely addicted i am to these games. they are just so much fun! (cory and i drove to brooklyn once to pick one up for my dad's auto shop waiting room---THAT was an adventure... and a story for another time). anyway.. my dog Boo has had this "baby" (its actually a stuffed bear) that she has totally loved and obliterated to pretty much rags. so today, my goal at the crane machine... WIN A NEW BABY FOR BOO!!! wouldn't ya know it... it only took 3 tries! I got her this quite gaudy valentine bear on the third try! I tried again with my last 50 cents to get something else, so technically you could say it cost me $2. what fun! and she LOVES it!!!! just had to share!
while at the mall (jean shopping earlier).... cory and i spotted a crane machine. for those of you who know me well... you know how completely addicted i am to these games. they are just so much fun! (cory and i drove to brooklyn once to pick one up for my dad's auto shop waiting room---THAT was an adventure... and a story for another time). anyway.. my dog Boo has had this "baby" (its actually a stuffed bear) that she has totally loved and obliterated to pretty much rags. so today, my goal at the crane machine... WIN A NEW BABY FOR BOO!!! wouldn't ya know it... it only took 3 tries! I got her this quite gaudy valentine bear on the third try! I tried again with my last 50 cents to get something else, so technically you could say it cost me $2. what fun! and she LOVES it!!!! just had to share!
Friday, February 8, 2008
I'm begging you... sort of....
So, over the past couple of days, I've posted more stuff on my Etsy Shop... and I would love for you to take a look! They are mostly just simple earrings.... I have more to make, but I have been working on the clay part of them, so it will be a few days till they are finished. PLEASE check them out... HERE!
As the weather warms up, I'll be throwing some more pottery as well and getting ready for festivals this summer!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hanging with J....
So, today... my sister was sick with the flu... so my mom had J with her and brought him to my work for lunch. During lunch, my mom started feeling sick herself. She took J back to her house and they laid down for a bit... and when I came home... J came over to my house. I fixed him dinner and he watched "Felix" cartoons, played with cars, while I made chocolate covered pretzel rods (with sprinkles) for my niece's snack time at school (since Katy was too sick to do anything!). After he went home... I started working on some earrings for Etsy!! Check them all out in my etsy shop.

By the way--J was so good for me!!!!

By the way--J was so good for me!!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Skatin' on the Ice...
So, Saturday... Cory took me Ice Skating.
I drove out to Cory's house... and then we drove to Altoona... through the beautiful windy roads of central PA.
I actually didn't get car sick!!!
Skate time was from noon til 2PM...
We only lasted till 1.
Haha! We're gettin' old!

In other news... Friday was supposed to kick off the weightloss challenge for me and my co-worker Cathy. Well, we had really horrible weather and she wasn't able to make it to work. So we weighed in today and took "before" pics of ourselves. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to share the photos (she'd prob kill me!)... but I thought it best to have a comparison for later on down the road. We weighed ourselves on the pallet scale at work.... and then took the pics in my office. Forgive my horrible attire... but I don't wear good clothes to work!!! (Cathy said we should look solemn in our before pics so that we can look super happy in our after pics..lol!)
I drove out to Cory's house... and then we drove to Altoona... through the beautiful windy roads of central PA.
I actually didn't get car sick!!!
Skate time was from noon til 2PM...
We only lasted till 1.
Haha! We're gettin' old!

In other news... Friday was supposed to kick off the weightloss challenge for me and my co-worker Cathy. Well, we had really horrible weather and she wasn't able to make it to work. So we weighed in today and took "before" pics of ourselves. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to share the photos (she'd prob kill me!)... but I thought it best to have a comparison for later on down the road. We weighed ourselves on the pallet scale at work.... and then took the pics in my office. Forgive my horrible attire... but I don't wear good clothes to work!!! (Cathy said we should look solemn in our before pics so that we can look super happy in our after pics..lol!)
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